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The Fallen - Demon

The fallen are rebel angels who defied their Creator for love of humanity. For their rebellion, they were cast into the Abyss, a prison hidden deep beneath the lands of the dead. Over the millennia, the angels have been twisted by their suffering, manifest in the form of their Torment. Lucifer was not sent to Hell and his whereabouts is unknown. 

  The seven Houses of the Fallen, the Sebettu, were created by God in the first days of Creation. It is impossible for a Fallen to change their House; it is, in a very real sense, the core of their beings, an essential part of who they are. Powers of these houses are not known in detail. 

  Upon their escape from the Abyss, the Fallen divided their society into five Factions based on their outlook on humanity, God, and themselves. Each Faction is composed of like-minded demons who, although from different Houses, share similar goals:
Faustians - Their goal is to foster humanity's divine potential, the divine spark that burns in every human and then turn it against God; whether they intend to be the ones who encourage that potential, or the ones who enslave it, depends on each member's opinion.
Cryptics - These demons stand for the search for knowledge. This allows for a variety of options and no single way to classify them as long as the demon claims the search for information about the Fall and their imprisonment as their goal.
Luciferans - Lucifer's standing army, their goal is to find their Morningstar and ensure that they are at a strategic advantage when the time comes to pick up the reins of the war once more.
Raveners - Nihilists of the highest order, these demons stand for nothing at all except for the destruction of everything that is Creation. They feel that if they've lost the war, then no one deserves to hold the prize.
Reconcilers - For the most part standing against the stated goals of demon society as a whole, these demons are penitents who search for redemption from God or humanity in some fashion.


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