The Elvish Wine Association

The world renown Elvish Wine Association (EWA) have produced fine (and expensive) wines for centuries. Indeed, the only thing the EWA could be said to be more skilled at than the aging of fine red wines, is spilling the blood of those who try to get in their way. The EWA are as ruthless as they are refined in their grape-craft but employ their business from the shadows, preferring not to be openly seen "trimming" their competition.   The EWA, mob-like that they are, are rivaled by the dwarves and their love of ale. Every century or so, it seems that the rivalry will boil over onto the streets and it will be open warfare. Then, just as suddenly, it seems a deal is made, someone important is paid off, or more likely, killed, and the tension returns to simply hatred and shadowy assassinations.

"A fine red for the table! Red blood for the streets!"

Illicit, Syndicate


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