Pain and Simple

The chronicles of the group that came to be known as the Blades of the North...

  • 5435 PF

    1 Eleasias
    5435 PF

    4 Eleasias

    Arrival in Genbach

    An unlikely group of travelers arrive in a small village on the far north of the Eastlands. Marsden, Ego, and Frodaar, sheltered from the cold, blowing snow by the carriage they ride in, soon find themselves entangled in a mystery and setting sail for Black Water Haven.

  • 5435 PF

    3 Eleasias
    5435 PF

    3 Eleasias

    Assassins at Sea

    While sailing around the coast enroute to Black Water Haven, the group comes under attack by assassins of the Elvish Wine Association. They are able to fight the would be killers back, but at the cost of most of the Kilgarvan's crew. Despite significant damage to the ship, the group makes port at Black Water Haven. Questions arise as to the nature of a ring Ego found in the lair of a sea hag the previous day...

  • 5435 PF

    4 Eleasias
    5435 PF

    5 Eleasias

    The Sewers and Below Keldi Manor

    Having tracked the missing children and the Elvish Wine Association to Black Water Haven, the group decends into the sewers where they meet Squinting Caden, a half-orc who reveals the location of the EWA barrel drop point. Following this lead along with a two new companions, the group confronts a creature that has stolen the cities children. Victorious, they are rewarded by Lord Keldi, but sadly so as his daughter and wife both perished.

  • 5435 PF

    6 Eleasias
    5435 PF

    11 Eleasias

    The Strange town of Bamor

    The group meets a hunter who goes by Vadrir and together journey to a small town covered in snow, just south of Black Water Haven, tracking a yeti. However, they soon discover that nothing is right in this town and every day wake up to the same events repeating over and over. Indeed, not even death can free them from this curse it seems. At long last, the party discovers the source of the curse, a cannibalistic family and a wendigo!

    More reading
    Vadrir Shask
  • 5435 PF

    11 Eleasias
    5435 PF

    14 Eleasias

    The Parting of Ego and Setting Sail

    Finally free of the cursed town of Bamor, the group makes their way back to Genbach. Along the way, they witness a white dragon as well as a giant, creatures rarely seen so far from the mountains. When they arrive in Genbach, Ego leaves the party, chasing visions of the wendigo and taking the Ring of Winter with him. New members join though, Petyr and Pimsly, as the group begins sailing for Waterdeep aboard the Black Bull.

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  • 5435 PF

    14 Eleasias
    5435 PF

    15 Eleasias

    Sahuagin and Sharks!

    Ship wrecked in a storm, the group is captured by Sahuagin! Able to find and rescue their comrades, the group defeats the fishy-huminoids and their shark steads. Unfortunately, the only survivor of the crew it seems is Rakham, the first mate. Together they are able to repair the ship enough to sail for shore with the hopes of finding aide.

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  • 5435 PF

    15 Eleasias
    5435 PF

    23 Eleasias

    Arrival in Rustborne

    The group, with the help of Rakhm, are able to limp their ship to shore. Desperate for repairs, they seek the aide of the town of Rustborne. What they find, however, is unexpected...

  • 5435 PF

    27 Eleasias
    5435 PF

    30 Eleasias

    Arrival in Waterdeep

    The group arrives in Waterdeep. After docking, they make their way to the Yawning Portal where they meet Volothamp Geddarm. Desperate to find his friend, Floon Blagmaar, Volo enlists the group's help in finding his lost comrade. But before all that...some shopping.