Hybrid Species in Nevermore | World Anvil


Not much is known about the hybrids other than how devastating their power could potentially be. They are a rare and powerful species treated as a folkstory. Every story about a hybrid is treated as fictional with very few actually believing the stories coming true. To date, only two hybrids have been heard of — Oliver and Dawn McKinney.

Basic Information


A hybrid appears Human whenever it needs too, but when wanting to shift, a hybrid takes off the appearance of a giant wolf (not to be confused with a werewolf's appearance) with fiery eyes. They also contain the unique ability to switch between forms at will, unlike a werewolf, who can only shift on a full moon, blue moon, or red moon.

Dietary Needs and Habits

A hybrid is an omnivore, but they do prefer meat and blood over vegetables. If a hybrid goes longer than a week without drinking blood, they become lethargic and ravenous, and will attack anyone who smells of fresh blood.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Hybrids have genius intelligence, capable of solving puzzles and mysteries with easy. Due to their genius skills, a hybrid will hide their intelligence as to not draw attention to themselves or their family.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

A hybrid as all the strengths of its genetic ancestors, such as sight, hearing, smell, and strength. However, their magical skills can either strengthen them or cause them great suffering. Most of the time, a hybrid is considered to be OP. When around the typical weaknesses of the ancestors, they aren't always affected.  
Species Strength Description Weakness Description
Vampire Blood
Adds power to their abilities Garlic
Drained energy, lethargic, unhinged
Werewolf Moon Enhanced strength and healing Dog Whistles
Ear-splitting pain, Burns when exposed to wounds

Table of Contents

by Amelia Nite (Hero Forge)
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: by Amelia Nite (Canva)

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
All parents:


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