Oliver McKinney Character in Nevermore | World Anvil

Oliver McKinney

Oliver is a typical high school deliquent that knows how to cause trouble for everyone around him. He doesn't tolerate people and will not be afraid to take someone's face off it they piss him off. And if anyone messes with his twin sister, Dawn McKinney, they'll rue the day they were born. He is also addicted to horror and can identify any species of insect by a mere glance.  
"I heard at his last school he burned his principal alive. He's just like her."
— random Nevermore student

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Oliver was born with his umbilical cord wrapped around his neck, with his face turning blue as he came out of the womb. This caused Oliver to have a few growth stunts, such as his height being barely over five feet and a slender frame that always appears sickly.

Body Features

He is surprisingly muscular underneath his attire, which can usually be hidden due wearing clothes twice his size. Oliver also has wolf ears and tail that pop out when he's feeling emotional. Even though he has freckles on his face, he does not have them anywhere else on his body.

Facial Features

Oliver has pale amber skin with a bronze glow. A dark dusting of freckles adorn his cheeks, making them appear rounder than they actually are. He has blue-black curly hair that looks as if a messy mop was placed atop his head, and he rarely brushes it due to finding the task tedious. If his hair grows past his his earlobes, Oliver will grow increasingly annoyed and irritable until he's able to get it cut. Oliver's eyes appear dark brown when not expressing his power. When he releases his power and shows his true extent, his eyes appear like flames, his wolf ears and tail pop out, and his teeth and claws grow out to reveal their sharpness.

Special abilities

by Amelia Nite (Hero Forge)
Oliver can shift into his wolf form any time of the day, without the help of the moon. In this form, Oliver stands over five feet tall with a body length of seven feet. His fur coat is the color of his hair with darker patches throughout and his flaming eyes are present. Electricity typically sparks off his coat in ripples. Oliver can also eat lightning as though it is a mere snack, and describes ti tasting metallic with a hint of arctic freshness.   Oliver's favorite ability is his ability to communicate with insects and understand what they are saying. He is also immune to every ounce of their venom, hence why his pet Australian Sydney Funnel-web spider can't poison him no matter how many bites Oliver receives. He can also control insects to some extent. If he has gained a close connection to an insect, he can absorb some of their physical traits and manipulate it across his body, but only if they are the last insect he has associated with in the last 24-hours and the use of the ability lasts for an hour once activated.

Apparel & Accessories

While attending Nevermore, Oliver wears a black and gray altered form of the school uniform. Otherwise, Oliver can be seen wearing hoodies with insect designs, jeans, and tennis shoes. Occasionally, he'll wear a dress, but only when he's sure nobody other than his sister will see him. His fears of being accepted for wearing a dress hinders his comfort to wear a dress outside his dorm room.   Other objects than can be found on Oliver's person is a hissing cockroach keychain that sounds exactly like a hissing cockroach when pressed, and it is a stimming object for him when overstressed. He also carries around a cell phone with a lockscreen set to his spider, Funnel, and his home screen is a picture of him and his Giant Titan Beetle, Lucky.

Specialized Equipment

by Amelia Nite (Hero Forge)
Oliver brought his family heirloom sword with him to school. This sword has sharp, jagged edged and it more for decoration than a weapon. Though, Oliver will use it for "special" occasions. It has been passed down on his dad's side of the family for countless generations. This swords has the desire to drink blood and life force of the victim is touches.   He also has a second heirloom from his mom's side of the family. However, this heirloom is a silver rapier that was used to torture his grandpops hundreds of years ago. It is said to be imbued with the power of Hell and wishes to condem those its slays to eternal suffering in the afterlife.

Mental characteristics

Personal history


Gender Identity

Oliver is genderfluid, meaning he'll switch between genders whenever he feels more comfortable with the other gender. It is easy to tell when he's presenting as another gender by his regular attire. As to not stress out the school staff, Oliver wears the male uniform regardless of how he's presenting. The more feminine he feels, the more he'll desire to dress feminine. However, his feminine daily attire of skirts and dresses is confined to his dorm room as he is unsure how others will react to him, whereas his masculine side will consist of jeans and hoodies. Currently, he feels more masucline.


Oliver is demisexual and finds himself attracted to only males, but only once he's gotten emotionally attached to them. For most of his life, Oliver has not had romantic attraction. In fact, his last crush broke his heart and resulted in him terrorizing him with all his biggest fears and multiple buckets of fake blood, as he couldn't afford the real stuff at the time.


Since eighth grade, Oliver has been through four schools, with setting his last school on fire while the principal was handcuffed to a chair in his office. School life has never been easy for him. Oliver has been treated like an outcast around normies since he was very little due to his dark nature. With his dangerous reputation, Oliver was signed up to go to Nevermore Academy, but was delayed due to his parents dying. As a coping resort, his twin sister is joining him for a new year of chaos!

Accomplishments & Achievements

Oliver managed to burn down his last school with very little effort. But his best goals were beating his old horror video game records and starting up a horror blog for video games, movies, books, etc.

Failures & Embarrassments

His failures stem from when he was little and his bullies got away with hurting him. Any time he lashed out, he was grounded and even punished by the principal of whatever school he was at. His last school's principal pushed him beyond his limits and Oliver snapped. One sunny weekend day, he unhooked the sprinkler system from school's water line and handcuffed the principal to his office chair. Oliver then started a fire in the principal's office and enjoyed watching as the school blow away in the embers. Unfortunately, the cops and ambulance arrived, rescuing the principal. If it were not for his parents, Oliver would be in prison for attemped murder.

Mental Trauma

Oliver's trauma starts off in different layers. The first is being bullied. While Oliver tries to hide how it makes him feel, he sometimes slips and cries. Though he tries to do this in the safety of his home and away from prying eyes. The second layer is that he has no friends other than his sister and pet insects. He feels as though being friendless is all that he's good for and that he'll never find happiness. Due to his loneliness, Oliver has a tendency to lash out at those around him, unsure if they are truly being nice to him or just waiting to bully him in the cruelest of ways.   The final layer of trauma is when his parents died. Their death was at the hands of a monster hunter. Luckily for Oliver, he was able to hide with Funnel in a secret wall behind a bookcase. The death of his parents broke news headlines as such a gruesome and graphic scene. Oliver still has nightmares about their death to this day.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes


  • Arachnids
  • Cooking (a secret he will take to the grave)
  • Dinosaurs
  • Horror aesthetic
  • Insects
  • Sweets


  • Alcohol / Coffee
  • Fear of mannequins (refuses to go into malls/stores with them)
  • Olives (especially jokes with his name; he is also allergic to olives)
  • Sour / spicy food
  • Thunderstorms


Contacts & Relations

Ajax Petropolus (gorgon): Oliver's neutral with him. As long as Ajax doesn't offer him drugs or alcohol, Oliver doesn't mind. Also, stay away from his sister.   Bianca Barclay (siren): Finds her to be stuck up and snobbish. He avoids her for the most part. If she angers him enough, she might just become a flayed fish.   Coach Vlad (fencing coach): Has an unknown opinion about him. And also doesn't care.   Deidrick Howl (werewolf): A charming, shy boy at Nevermore. Oliver ends up sharing a dorm with him and things may get a little heated...   Divina (siren): Not much to go one. They only interact when Bianca is around.   Enid Sinclair (werewolf): A bubbly girl with a spirited heart. Oliver finds her annoying but still someone he can interact with as Dawn enjoys her company.   Eugene Ottinger (psychic): A fellow nerd about insects and someone Oliver can spend hours talking to about insects. They enjoy sneaking out to go scouting for new insects. One of the very few people Oliver actually likes at Nevermore.   Jacob Tillman: Oliver's former principal at Redlands Academy. He tried to set him on fire, but failed to kill him.   Kent (siren): Not much to go on. They only interact when Bianca is around.   Larissa Weems (principal): Oliver has yet to determine if he wants to kill her or just have a little fun.   Marilyn Thornhill (dorm mom and botanical sciences teacher): Oliver can sense something is up with her. Nobody is that nice.   Wednesday Addams (psychic): From what Oliver has heard, Wednesday is a chaos goblin like him. If the two get to interact, there'll be fun to have!   Xavier Thorpe (psychic): Unknown status   Yoko Tanaka (vampire): There isn't much to go on between them. It is hinted that Yoko might have a crush on him.

Family Ties

Familial Ties
Davon McKinney (shapeshifter): Unknown status   Dawn McKinney (hybrid): Oliver's twin sister and best friend. They are as thick as thieves and can be caught doing naughty things together. When one is suspected of doing something, there is a high chance the other knows about it.   Jack McClain (werewolf): Oliver's grandpops and a sour apple. He tries to rein Oliver's antics in but all it does it set him off.   Jared McKinney (shapeshifter): His deceased dad. They bonded quite well over training, but not so much over Oliver's favorite hobbies.   Keith Cheonsa (vampire): Oliver's granddad. While they have a rocky relationship, Oliver cares deeply about him, seeing a lot of his childhood trauma within Keith.   Lisa McKinney (werewolf): His deceased mom. Oliver loved her dearly and wishes he could turn back time just to save her. They had a strong bond over Oliver's unique abilities.   Ysabelle McKinney (vampire): Unknown status

Social Aptitude

Oliver is best known for his intimidation. He takes pride in scaring people and making them surrender. However, charming people sucks. His vocal tongue usually causes him to tell someone to fuck off in the rudest way when they piss him off, even if it's the mayor or Queen Elizabeth. Oliver's confidence stems from his time training with his dad and mom, improving upon his abilities which developed at quite a young age for him and his sister. This tends to cause Oliver to overreaching when proving himself.   Oliver is anti-social to the max. He hates being around people and quickly gets overstimulated when in a large crowd. When dealing with proper manners in public, Oliver flips them the bird and acts as he usually does — snarky, aggressive, and willing to push boundaries. Though, a lot of his attitude is derived from the trauma in his past. Oliver can easily eat with a fork and knife, despite his attitude hinting that he's completely feral.


Table of Contents

Chaotic Neutral
Current Status
Current Location
Date of Birth
September 23rd
Year of Birth
2007 AD 15 Years old
He/Him | They/Them | She/Her
Dark brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Amber
Aligned Organization
Known Languages



by Mike Gray
The very first insect Oliver ever got was Funnel, an Australian Sydney Funnel-web. Oliver adopted Funnel the very day he was born, much to his parents' dismay. The sight of such a deadly spider in Oliver's hands sparked fear. To Oliver, Funnel was a family member and he has devoted every day of his life to protecting his little brother.  


by Didier
Lucky is a million times more gentle than Funnel. He isn't poisonous in any way and is as sweet as a golden labrador. Oliver rescued Lucky from a hawk and carried him home. He begged his aprents to let him keep Lucky, and it didn't help when he used his puppy eyes to win them over.


  • playing horror video games
  • searching for new insects
  • watching dinosaur documentaries

Character Portrait image: by Amelia Nite (Hero Forge)


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