Valdi Estapaar

Dagult Neverember gave this half-elf female the job of overseeing the town’s fishing industry. With the recent opening of the quayside, she’s now one of the most important figures in town   At some point in the late 15th century DR, after having torn down and neutralized the High Tower of Thalivar in the center of Leilon, Dagult Neverember had become interested in rebuilding the town as part of the trade route along the High Road south to Waterdeep. He named Valdi one of the three founding members of the town council, along with Grizzelda Copperwraught and Merrygold Brightshine, and put her in charge of the town's fishing business.[1]   Circa 1491 DR, Leilon was attacked by the The Cult of Thalos and the townsfolk and laborers were driven out. Valdi was at a loss for what to do, considering no one except Sergeant Hazz Yorrum was a fighter. Luckily, a group of adventurers arrived just in time to reclaim the town.  
Aligned Organization
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