Alexander Battleborn

Alexander Battleborn is an Ogre Nightsinger of the Court of Summer sworn to the Storybrokers Motley.

Fae Cunning (Common Shield) Shared Burden (Common Shield) Vow of No Compromise (Royal Shield) Might of the Terrible Brute (Common Sword) Red Revenge (Royal Sword) Baleful Sense (Common Summer)

Mental characteristics

Personal history


As a mortal boy young Alexander was stolen through the Hedge by the Woman in White. Then he was held by Krampus in an ornament cage until the Huntsman came. The Huntsman that came was the Lord in Silver , and he stuffed Alex in a pouch and took the boy to Arcadia.

The Lord in Silver left Alex in the Field of Dying Light, at the feet of the General Who Knows No Defeat. In that rolling field of endless battle with its rolling clouds of blood-mist was where Slaughterborn was created. Trapped, unable to escape, and dying over and over again left Alex in despair, which over time turned to anger, and then rage. Over decades, Alexander got lost in his rage and survival instincts, and became a fearsome warrior. Shaped by constant battle, the boy grew and grew as muscle piled on muscle.

Then the General ordered his army forward. From the Field of Dying Light they marched to a rival Keeper's hold-fast and the new Ogre earned his name - Slaughterborn. Young Alexander was no more, and the Ogre warrior known as Slaughterborn fought for the General for decades, reaving through bodies with his axe and cleaving their souls with his warcries.

Eventually, having been left for dead on yet another battlefield, Slaughterborn found himself where he started. Weary of the Eternal Struggle, and knowing his fate should another eclipse him in combat, the Ogre crawled from the bloodsoaked Field of Dying Light into the Thorns and escaped Arcadia.


Sworn to the Storybrokers, Slaughterborn has found and reclaimed his mortal name. He works to maintain the Contract that binds the Werewolves to Chicagoland, which takes up most of his time. He spends shifts as a singer at a piano bar where he plays and sings songs of loss, wrath, sorrow and desire, depending on his moods and the season.




Towards Alexander Battleborn


Alexander Battleborn


Towards Charming


Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
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