Autumn Nightmares

Have you ever felt woefully underprepared? Like you are facing certain death if you act but the oblitaration of your moral compass and sanity if you don't? That's what these Changelings are going through this Autumn. One relentless stream of recurring nightmare scenarios.

The story begins on the Autumnal Equinox as the sun sets on the Summer Queen. The Protectors are brought into the Court of Autumn, sworn to each other and to the Freehold. They state their sworn Purpose and everyone draws in a breath.

They need to get established. They have a Safe Place to run to in the City of Chicago, not far from Union Park. But this is not where their story begins.

Plot points/Scenes

Out and Then In is the story of the future-motley's escape, and of their compassion for their fellow Changelings.

Sworn & Tested is the story of the Motley's purpose at work.

Awry & Abed tells a cautionary tale of a Motley of Individuals going their own way.

Oathbound Verse Loyal spins a heroic yarn of a Motley against impossible odds.

Parent Plot


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