Communion of Silverlake

  • Communion originated in Silver Lake.
  • Communion was designed to keep the peace between the family-based Packs of Werewolves.
  • After humans arrived the People built their first Communion building, a rough palisade fence around the field.
  • Communion membership being so exclusive drove a wedge between the People and the Mortals.
  • Led to churches being built and services being exclusive to those not of the Communion.
  • Families rarely crossed church lines which led to a divided town: Communion vs Church folks.
  • Communion in modern day being a dying institution with few old-timers holding to tradition and most people dismissing it entirely.
  • The Wolf-Blood in charge of Communion is in charge because his family has no werewolves left.
  • Type
    Social, Group
    Related Species


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