
This Hedgeforged Spear can collapse down into a knife, or extend from knife to spear. It is a vain and showy thing, requiring its wielder to display their martial prowess before it will change its form. It is fast though, and when in combat it isn't just the blade that flows like quicksilver but its wielder too.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

With an Action and a display of prowess (Presence + Weaponry) a character can change Quicksilver from its Knife form to its Spear form.


Spear3024n/a+1 Defense, Two-Handed


After watching the second Hellboy film Inigo got Mick to create a silver spear that could change and shift between knife and spear. Mick got the materials and Inigo hid them in the hedge, then Mick forged them and created the spear.

Item type
Weapon, Melee
Creation Date
October 2020

This item is one-of-a-kind, most likely. It might not be all that uncommon, worldwide, but it is a unique thing in Chicago.


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