Protectors of the Small

A Motley of Changelings sworn to the Court of Autumn and each other.


They try not to get in each other's way. They do try to help each other.


They really don't like the Fae, but not much beyond that.

Public Agenda

Members of this motley have publicly sworn several oaths. That's all anyone knows about their Agenda.

Their Oaths

Their sworn purpose is to protect the Children of Chicagoland from their former Keepers. Members of this Motley also swear to defend each other, each other's property, and each other's interests, in addition to the sworn purpose of Protecting the Children of Chicagoland from their former Keepers.


The Motley maintains a Safe Place in the Near West Side that is communally provided for.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Adventuring Party
Manufactured Items
Notable Members
Related Species
Related Plots


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