
Ryeleigh Smith

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Once upon a time, in a land called Chicago, the Changeling called Wryly was a mortal girl, called Ryleigh. When she was Ryleigh, she was a small, fragile, mortal girl. She was a sheltered little thing, who relied on others, especially her older siblings to keep her safe. She was an artistic type, creative and free-spirited, who preferred dance and music as her means of emotional expression. Soft-hearted and sweet, she was the type who would sooner cry than scowl.

After reconnecting with her best friends just before her birthday on a camping overnight, she was kidnapped and taken into the Hedge as a plot by Changelings to subvert a Hunter's need for one of their own by giving them a Mortal to take. The Keeper was displeased by the Hunter's failure and subversion and ripped their Need from the creature's chest and left Ryleigh in a cold wasteland between Realms in Arcadia. None knew the Title that once ruled this desolate ice-field, and Ryleigh was left to die in its mind-numbing cold, soul-shattering emptiness, and soul-shearing winds.

But Ryleigh didn't die. She swore vengeance on those who stole her away. And that Vow was heard, acknowledged and Sealed. Ryleigh was small, but layers of ice and snow pressed in on her, slowly taking over until Ryleigh looked in the mirror-like ice and it wasn't Ryleigh looking back, but Wryly looking down.

Her heart became cold, her tongue became sharp, and Wryly stood from that mirror-iced lake and recognized the Realm. This was not an unknowable place. But it was not her place.

Mental Trauma

What is the worst thing your character has ever done? I broke an expensive vase at a party and lied about it. What is the worst thing they can imagine theirselves doing? I think maybe stealing money. What is the worst thing they can imagine someone else doing? Killing in self-defense. What has your character forgotten? I can't remember anything before I was 7. What is the most traumatic thing that has ever happened to your character? I got into a car crash.




Towards Wryly




Towards Charming


2005 2021
Circumstances of Death
She was missing and presumed dead.
Place of Death
Sullivan Park, Chicago
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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