Aurora Crow

Aurora Crow was one of the leaders of the revived Valor Santori alongside Aaron Almis. When it was revealed that Aaron was infact the Rift King, the Santori disbanded and Aurora went into exile; being the only one of them left alive. To this day she has not been seen or head from even by her friends. It is rumoured that she is searching for a way into the Feywild to find her lost species.

Physical Description

Physical quirks

Although she is still a good fighter and marksman Aurora was severely injured in a battle against HELIX and lost use of her legs for several months, this means she still suffers occasional pain and weakness in these limbs.

Special abilities

  • She is a master magic user and has extensive knowledge of several ancient magics.
  • She is an adept marksman and posesses the enchanted bow Amanir.
  • Aurora's connection to Fey magic is weaker than most Fey due to her being half Human.
  • Connection to the innate magical abilities of the Fey.
  • Extensive knowledge of the spells and magical scrolls once held in the Santori Sanctum before it was destroyed.

Specialized Equipment

Amanir - A magical sentient bow that binds with its users and reads their memories/intentions.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Aurora was born on Feyworld but grew up in GSU territory on Chorus II. She was raised by her father Sam as her mother Edraele, a prominent Fey diplomat, remained on official business most of her childhood. After graduating from the Knights Academy she joined forces with Aaron Almis and the two rediscovered and re-established the Santori. She continued to maintain the oath that she promised to protect the universe and act as the master of training for new pledges to the Santori cause. She also dedicated herself to documenting much of the spells and ancient magics that were lost at the Cataclysm. After a dispute with Aaron Almis over the use of Rift magic and the subsequent dissolution of the Valor Santori, Aurora temporarily sided with the GSU before eventually settling in the Traveller's Dimension with the Exiles. After the devastating Rift Wars she went into exile, as the last remnant of the Santori order.
Current Status
Aligned Organization