Valor Santori

The Valor Santori (often shortened to just Santori) were an ancient order of guardians that specialised in upholding Celestial law and protecting rare magical relics or practices. They were founded by The Archons, a long extinct species who perished at the hands of an unknown evil. Milennia later though, Aaron Almis and Aurora Crow discovered their planet and the many sanctums of knowledge it held. Taking it upon themselves to rekindle the flame, they refounded the Santori and recruited mages from around the galaxy.


Billions of years ago, the Archons were a hugely powerful and far-reaching civilisation in the universe; employing magitech to its highest potential. Their advancements in magic eventually drew the attention of the Celestials, with whom they made an agreement with to uphold their Celestial Law. From this agreement the Archons formed the Valor Santori, an order of magic-wielding guardians tasked with defending the universe from evil. At some point in time however, the Archons and the Santori were mysteriously wiped out.   It was eventually refounded by Aaron Almis and Aurora Crow. The order flourished well into the Convergence Wars, in which it began expanding its control to become the Santori Protectorate; a governmental body that would act as the Santori's diplomatic front when interacting with other factions. Their territory spread wide across the eastern sector after quelling the Second Demonic Crusade; however the Cataclysm forced them to abandon their homes and temples.   Those that managed to flee to the Remnant Sector gathered help from the last two factions, the Union and the Dominion, to construct a small space station to use as their main base and sanctum; Santori Station. From here the Santori returned to their roots as a simple order of mages trying to keep peace in the galaxy, however their undoing was to come from within.   Aaron Almis, one of their founders and leaders, was revealed to be the Rift King; the emodiment of the dreaded Rift entity that sought to destroy all Celestial life and magic. After inciting the numerous Rift Wars which involved the extinction of the Santori once again, he succeeded in his goal and was defeated only after his terrible act was complete.


The few remaining Santori, including its other founder Aurora Crow, scattered and renounced their bonds to it; effectively going into exile due to its failure. Ever since then the Santori has been nothing more than an old name, with an abandoned station floating in space as its memorial.
Dissolution Date
Guild, Mages
Notable Members