
Chiron is a restricted access colony world where many of the Second Galactic Systems Union's top scientists and private government-run corporations conduct experiments and tests for the military. Many technological innovations and progressions in the fields of warship, weapons, armour, and vehicular technology is developed and tested here. Alongside much of the Empire’s military and scientific groups, there is a strong NIA presence on the planet.    


Humans comprise the vast majority of Chiron’s populations though any supernatural species working for the military, either in a civilian or combat role also exist in smaller quantities.    


See GSU Technology    

Flora and Fauna

While exotic and alien versions of Terra’s life forms are found on this planet, there are many invertebrate species of gigantic proportions. These range from ants the size of dogs to centipedes as large as and longer than cars. There have only been a few cases of perimeter breaches where these creatures have entered restricted territory. While hostile, the animals are easily pacified and relocated without much harm. The planet’s climate is perpetually warm, more so in some places than others. The vast majority of its land masses comprise of palm forests and tropical rainforests as well as sandy shores and beaches. Its coldest areas are the northern and southern poles.        


During the earlier days in which humanity was consolidating its interstellar empire, the need for a world solely dedicated towards research and development outside any risk of civilian interference became apparent. As such, the planet which would soon come to be known as Chiron was discovered and colonised for precisely this purpose, in the late 2300s. Over the centuries, Chiron has always been a heavily guarded secret and as a result, has suffered the least amount of attacks in the GSU.
Owning Organization