Second Galactic Systems Union

The Second Galactic Systems Union, or more colloquially known as just the Galactic Systems Union (GSU) is a reunification of several planets across the southern sector of the Milky Way Galaxy. Unlike its predecessor two centuries prior, the GSU allows each of its member planets to retain their own individual styles of government. However it retains full military authority across all planets, effectively uniting all planets under one banner. Despite this, certain guidelines and legislations do apply across the territory.  

GSU Council

The GSU Council consists of the world leaders of every single planet in the Galactic Systems Union. There are 120 planets that fall under the Union’s jurisdiction, which means that a corresponding number of seats exist in the Council. The actual Council building is located on Chorus II, in the city of Rumaria. The building has been built in the centre of the recovering city to act as the first rebuilt structure in Chorus II’s most powerful region.   This is meant as a symbol of the human tenacity to always resurface from whatever chaos they, as a species and civilization, have endured and use the pieces to rebuild themselves better and stronger. A little known fact is that the building is protected by an energy shield, powered by a generator located underneath it. A massive emergency bunker containing food and other supplies has also been built underneath the building, alongside secret passages leading to hidden exits.  

GSU Parliament

The GSU Parliament is where all major lawmakers convene in order to discuss the creation of new laws, debate the requirement to amend existing laws and whether or not others should be removed entirely. Each seat in the GSU Parliament is reserved for every major lawmaker from every planet in the GSU. As such, hundreds of such seats can exist, and the exact number fluctuates with the constant changes in the individual governmental bodies of every planet. When laws are first posited, they are referred to as “bills”. These bills can be put forth from varying different parties including political parties and campaign groups. If the bills gain enough recognition and support, they are then taken to the GSU Parliament to be discussed and debated.  

The Speaker

These debates are regulated by a Mister/Miss Speaker - a mediator between all figures in the Parliament - who is voted upon from one of the major social/political figures of any one of the GSU planets. The candidate who has received the most votes is then sworn to several oaths which remove any notion of allegiance to any particular planet, eliminating potential biases and performing their duty for the sake of the GSU as a whole and not the world they originated from.  


The term “parties” in the GSU Parliament refers to each group of major lawmakers from a single planet in the GSU. Each planet’s representatives are trusted to internally agree on what their ultimate position on the bill is before they present their arguments in the discussion/debate in the GSU Parliament. Furthermore, it is strongly encouraged that these groups combine themselves with parties of other planets if they find enough common ground with each other.   This is to keep these debates between the various parties more comprehensible and less confusing, and to prevent infighting between different figures from the same planet - a situation which, when taking into consideration the hundreds of potential seats that exist in the Parliament, has the potential to descend into utter pandemonium.


Amidst the destruction wrought by the Xarqiin invasion and their temporary occupation of a significant geographical portion of Arbor’s surface, the need for such an alliance became top priority. During the war, systems which had survived or were untouched by the Xarqiin fully deferred to Terra’s superior military expertise. However after the war had finished, this changed. After lengthy debate, it was agreed that while Terra would retain ultimate authority in times of full scale warfare, in peacetimes, the planets of Terra, Chorus II and Outreach would retain the joint status of “Capital Worlds” in the GSU. Each of these worlds contribute an important part to the political structure of the GSU.   After the destruction of Arbor’s biosphere, loss of nineteen human planets and the massive losses - both civilian and military - incurred by the Human-Xarqiin War, the decision to reform surviving human planets into another unified faction was presented in a meeting between leaders of the various worlds. Chief among these leaders were Lord Admiral Orson Marcellus of Terra, President Raymond Kingston of Chorus II and Grand Admiral Tokugawa Hideyoshi. The meeting ended with the reformation of the GSU, a decision ratified in a document called the Treatise of Unity and Solace. Although most leaders signed the document, a small number declined to become member states of the faction and left the meeting retaining their full independence, for better or worse.


The GSU encompasses 120 systems. Among the most well known are:   Terra (Capital World)   Chorus II (Entertainment and Commercial Hub)   Outreach (Military Training Grounds and Civilian Colony)   Arbor (Agricultural Capital)   Chiron (Restricted R&D Colony)   As well as: Seraph IV, Zaron, Arcadia, Prometheus, Victoria, Thion, Pegasi Gamma, Bread World and Harmony.  


Unlike the First Galactic Systems Union and especially the Terran Empire which preceded it, the Second Galactic Systems Union would allow all member planets to retain their individual styles of governance over their respective populations. As such, Terra or Outreach’s stratocratic method of rule would not extend across the entirety of GSU territory. Regardless, there is still overarching legislation which has to be followed by all member planets, an obligation stipulated in the Treatise. This legislation mostly concerns the general behaviour of the faction towards affairs internal and external. An example of the former being an agreement on human rights issues whereas an example of the latter being regulations concerning trade and commerce with foreign factions.   Also unlike its predecessors, the GSU holds three worlds as its capitals instead of just one: Terra, Chorus II and Outreach. Each of these planets represents and oversees one of three political entities which make up the GSU: the Council (seat of government), the Parliament (Legislation) and the Military.  

Chorus II

The seat of all major world leaders. Here, the Presidents, the Lord Admirals, the Ministers and Kings gather at what is known as the GSU Council. Any and all major decisions regarding foreign policy, military action and introduction of legislation are introduced, discussed, debated and voted upon. No major action can be taken pertaining to these branches of government without the convening of the GSU Council.  


While each individual planet in the GSU is allowed to retain its own government, there are general, overarching rules and regulations which are to be followed by all planets, and enforced by their governing bodies. These laws include a charter of human rights, criminal acts and the punishments for them, and access to universal education and healthcare. These laws are discussed in the Union Parliament.   Members of this parliament are lawmakers and other politicians who are responsible for the introduction of legislations on their worlds, from every world in the GSU. Once a consensus is reached, these legislations are not immediately enforced. Rather, they are then sent to the GSU Council on Chorus II, where they are discussed and voted upon by the world leaders.   There are some instances however, in which outright denial of certain legislative suggestions is not possible or more difficult, such as if the GSU Parliament has the backing of civilian votes, across the territory, on their side.   The independence of each world’s government allows them some level of freedom on how to exercise these laws and to what extent, provided that these actions do not contravene said laws and human rights. Furthermore, planets are free to introduce their own legislation independent from what is discussed in the GSU parliament if certain conditions on their respective worlds require it. For example, a planet inhabited primarily by farmers would need more laws pertaining to farming than, for example, a planet like Chorus II.  


Owing to its history as well as being well known as the most heavily defended planet in the territory, Terra represents the militaristic backbone of the GSU. A large bulk of the Union’s greatest military minds, best soldiers and most advanced starship and weapons technology are located on Terra. As such, during times of war, the GSU government’s authority is temporarily withdrawn and replaced with martial law, in which Terra gains near-full control over matters both civilian and military in order to ensure the faction’s survival. Outside of war, any military actions or expeditions are to be discussed and voted upon first in the GSU Council. Furthermore, even in times of war, if the GSU Council deems certain actions as unnecessary, Terra’s authority can be partially diminished as agreed upon in the Treatise.


With the formation of the Galactic Systems Union came the agreement that each of its member systems would adopt one singular military entity between them all in order to ensure consistency of rank structure and chain of command, and the seamless initiation of military operations. Regardless, each planet does retain a degree of autonomous control over its own “share” of the GSU Military, and the position of importance it holds in that planet’s government and society. For example, as Terra is ruled by a stratocracy, military rank confers governmental authority. However, other planets such as Chorus II separate the government from the military, and have the former maintain authority over the latter.  

Naval Intelligence Agency

The Naval Intelligence Agency, or NIA for short, is the GSU's official intelligence organisation. The NIA is responsible for GSU signals intelligence), human intelligence, counter-espionage, propaganda, and top-secret research and development programs. The Agency itself consists of multiple departments, each of which is solely dedicated the operation of these specific tasks. Each department is headed by specially-appointed Captains who report to the NIA's overall Admiral.    


The GSU Navy is the branch responsible for conducting space warfare operations. This includes exploration and expeditions into uncharted regions of space to benefit the interests of the GSU. In addition, the Navy is also responsible for the orbital defense of each planet through the consistent presence of a home fleet, in conjunction with a network of orbital defense platforms. Naturally, the Navy closely works with the GSU Marine Corps, and is responsible for transport of marine infantry as part of operations concerning warfare and expeditions.   After the Xarqiin Invasion, the Air Force became merged with the Navy. As a result, the training regimens designed for space fighter pilots and aircraft pilots have been combined, as have the functionalities of the many vehicles used by both branches. Fighter craft are now capable of seamless transition between the atmosphere and the vacuum of space to suit a variety of different combat roles.  


While the Navy is responsible for orbital defense, each GSU planet also has its own dedicated Army force which is responsible for land-based operations on solid ground. While the Marine Corps deals with missions on foreign planetary bodies, the Army branch responds to threats to GSU planets, both internal and external.  

Marine Corps

The Marine Corps is the branch of the GSU Military that is concerned with the rapid deployment of infantry across different terrestrial surfaces, as part of warfare or expeditionary operations conducted by the navy. Marines are often fielded with the most advanced technology the military has to offer, including the use of starships for transport, armour and weapons technology.  

Elite Commandos

The Elite Commando branch is a subdivision in the Marine Corps. Each of its members are handpicked from the Corps, with the offer only being extended to marines who have surpassed their peers in combat effectiveness, situational awareness, tactical thinking, efficiency of performance under stress, and a consistent record of mission completions. Elite Commandos are awarded with even more advanced armour and resources, and are known to be deployed on missions deemed too high risk, even for marines.  

Maritime Navy

The Maritime Navy is responsible for defense and patrol of each GSU world’s oceans. The Maritime Navy branch mostly collaborates with the Army and, if need be, the orbital naval fleet during operations.  

Omega Legion

The Omega Legion program was designed to create physically, genetically, technologically superior human supersoldiers. The outcome of the programme was arguably the most dangerous infantry fighting force in the known galaxy which serves as the GSU’s ultimate line of defense against threats both internal and external.   Candidates are selected from Elite Commandos who have displayed exceptional and outstanding combat skills as well as mental fortitude, after which they are processed through rigorous training exercises in order to prepare their minds and bodies for a series of chemical and genetic augmentations. The result is a human being who is an order of magnitude stronger, faster and more durable than even the most seasoned soldier.   After another gruelling training process to acclimatise candidates to their new physical capabilities, graduation comes with the donning of state-of-the-art Legionnaire Mk II power armour which further enhances their already superhuman abilities.

Enlisted Ranks

Navy (Starship Crew)

Crewman Second Class: Work Crew.   Crewman First Class: Work Party Supervisor.   Petty Officer Third Class: Compartment Supervisor.   Petty Officer Second Class: Assistant to Petty Officer First Class.   Petty Officer First Class: Deck Oversight.   Chief Petty Officer: Oversight of All Ship Decks.  

Navy (Fighter Pilots)

Airman: Co-Pilot Role, Shadowing Senior Airmen.   Senior Airman: Pilot Role, Can Pilot One-Person Crafts. Airman Trainer.   Staff Sergeant: Leads a Squadron (12 Craft).   Master Sergeant: Assistant Commander of a Wing (5 Squadrons).   Senior Master Sergeant: Assistant Commander of a Group (3 Wings).   Chief Master Sergeant: Assistant Commander of an Aviation Regiment (2 Groups).  

Marine Corps

Private: Base Unit.   Corporal: Fireteam Leader (4 Men).   Sergeant: Squad Leader (5 Men).   Gunnery Sergeant: Assistant Platoon Commander (3 Squads).   Master Sergeant: Assistant Company Commander (3-6 Platoons).   Sergeant Major: Assistant Battalion Commander (Up to 5 Companies).  

Elite Commandos

Note: As Elite Commandos are specifically trained for quick-and-efficient deployments, they mostly operate independent of existing Marine forces, even if both are deployed to the same area. However in cases where Commando and Marine forces have to work together, Commando units can either overrule or share the authority of their rank-equivalent Marine counterparts depending on the orders given by the operation’s supervising CO.   Sergeant: Commando Base Unit.   Gunnery Sergeant: Commando Squad Leader.   Master Sergeant: Commando Platoon Leader.   Sergeant Major: Several Platoons.  


Private: Base Unit.   Corporal: Fireteam Leader (4 Men).   Sergeant: Squad Leader (5 Men).   Gunnery Sergeant: Assistant Platoon Commander (3 Squads).   Master Sergeant: Assistant Company Commander (3-6 Platoons).   Sergeant Major: Assistant Battalion Commander (Up to 5 Companies)  

Omega Legion

Note: Legionnaires automatically overrule the authority of all Enlisted Marine and Commando Ranks unless specified otherwise by the operation's supervising CO.   Legionnaire: Base Unit   Commander: Squad Leader.   Captain: Multiple Squads.  

Officer Ranks


Ensign: Bridge Crew.   Lieutenant: Second-in-Command.   Commander: Ship Commander.   Captain: Fleet Commander.   Admiral: Commander of Multiple Fleets.  


Lieutenant: Platoon Commander.   Captain: Company Commander.   Colonel: Battalion Commander.   Brigadier: Regiment Commander (1000 Men).   General: Division Commander (6000+ Men).  


Lieutenant: Platoon Commander.   Captain: Company Commander.   Colonel: Battalion Commander.   Brigadier: Regiment Commander (1000 Men).   General: Division Commander (6000+ Men).  

Omega Legion

Colonel: Up to 300 Legionnaires.   General: Commands all 1000 Legionnaires.
Alternative Names
Predecessor Organizations
Leader Title
Galactic Credits
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


Both Governments are officially allied under CONCORD.

Outlawed in the GSU