Chorus II

Chorus II can generally be summarised as a planet-sized tourist destination. In stark contrast to Terra, the quality of life on Chorus II is much higher and the government is much more democratic as opposed to the totalitarian stratocracy present on the human home world.


Major Cities

  • Yurigara
  • Iodabia
  • Cella
  • Sidentia
  • Nidustria
  • Pago
  • Frigus

Orbital Locations

  • Rumaria Station - Linked via Space Elevator to Rumaria City.
  • Ignus Station - Linked via Space Elevator to Ignus Magna.
  • Salvus Station - Linked via Space Elevator to Salvus Warehouse Yards.
  • Domin Station - Linked via Space Elevator to Salvus City.
  • Ortus Station - Linked via Space Elevator to Ortus Industrial City.

Fauna & Flora

Complementing the sprawling city scapes are equally beautiful natural landscapes that have been thoughtfully preserved by the inhabitants of the planet. Chorus II is not only noted for its leisurely entertainment destinations but also much of its colourful forests, breathtaking glaciers, grand mountainous regions and other natural areas of interest that attract the attention of those who live on other planets. Populating these biomes are animals that aren’t too different from their Terran counterparts.


idk lol


As mentioned before, civilian quality of life can be considered very luxurious on Chorus II, and consequently the most expensive as well. There are many more publicly owned companies that produce many recreational goods for civilian use and as a result, the resources and recreational goods available to the average civilian on Chorus II result in the best and most comfortable lifestyle. There are a variety of tourist attractions available across the planet ranging from clubs and games to spectacular architecture and preserved natural landscapes.


  • Chorus II Map
    A map of the Cyberpunk cities of Chorus II.
Owning Organization