
Istari , the Celestial of Magic

Istari is of the Major Celestials, the Celestial of Wisdom and Magic. She was the creator of Arcane and Natural magics with the help of Nozdormu and Gaia. Now her lifeforce flows throughout the Glow itself, making it a new source of magic for supernaturals to this day.

Physical Description

Body Features

Istari can appear in many forms as can all the Celestials. Her favourites include:   A Woman - Generally seen in fine clothing with an owl on her shoulder.   An Owl - In her purest form Istari appears as an owl comprised of all the energy that she used to depart magic into the universe.  

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Istari was instrumental in the creation of the universe in which she assisted Gaia by imparting different kinds of magic into the universe and gifted the inhabitants of the galaxy with knowledge. Istari is also credited with the creation of Witches. The first Witch, a woman named Morgan, was a dedicated follower of Istari and impressed her with many gifts and offerings. In reward for her dedication Istari gave her the gift of 'sense', something that is passed down to this day through Morgan's bloodline. She often aided the Witches and Warlocks in times of need throughout their history, and also fought alongside mortals against various cosmic threats. However, when Gaia and Zalgo were both killed to make the Glow, Istari also sacrificed her essence to make it a well of magic; which would allow the galaxy to discover and use it centuries later.

Morality & Philosophy

Istari was one of the few Celestials that remained good and untainted by dark energy. Over the millenia she watched many of her kin fall to the darkness including Zalgo, Nozdormu and Seh'Makou. This made her sorrowful, but she still remained hopeful too, ultimately sacrificing herself to create the Glow that would only serve its true purpose centuries later.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Celestial of Magic
  • Mother of Witches
Year of Death