
A mostly barren desert wasteland, Kiltorna is most often used as a foundry world. Many of the sector’s large corporations set up their mining and refining facilities on this planet due to the plethora of resources being hidden under its surface. Despite this, the planet also unexpectedly hosts its own residential population. Few as they may be, those who have taken to calling this planet their home, live in specialised houses to protect themselves from the scorching temperatures of the surface.  


  With the exception of being born to parents already living on the planet, no one is inherently from Kiltorna. The planet once served as a foundry world for the long-disbanded Terran Empire as well as an experimental civilian colony. However, the planet is now home to several unaffiliated towns and villages, some of which are larger than others. Separating these settlements are several hundreds to thousands of kilometers of sand.   These men, women and children come from all walks of life and backgrounds and can consist of all species. Aside from these residents, living in the foundries and facilities set up by corporations are employees stationed there to ensure maintenance and proper functioning of equipment. These facilities sometimes tend to be seen in the landscape far off in the distance from the aforementioned towns and villages.

Fauna & Flora

Scattered in abundance throughout the mostly plain landscape of Kiltorna are several plant-like lifeforms that bear striking resemblance to the cactaceae family of plants on Terra’s own deserts. These cacti are commonly consumed by a species of large, furry, cow-like bovids, which themselves are often domesticated by farmers for their nutrient-rich milk and meat.   Insectoid species also roam the surface of the planet, living mostly in underground colonies and deriving their nutrients by preying on each other. The most notable among these invertebrates is a species of massive arachnid that somewhat resembles Terra’s scorpions. It can reach the size of a small dog, is frighteningly quick and its stinger can cause instant paralysis to a full grown human being. Although this stinger is completely ineffective against the aforementioned bovid species.
Owning Organization