Knight Armour

The Knight armour originally started out as an early prototype armour set for the Omega Legionnaires. Advancements in technology drew favourability towards newer prototypes which eventually led to the successful development of the Legionnaire MKI Power Armour System. However, this original prototype was further developed and used as the testbed for what would eventually become an entirely different set of hardware: the Knight Power Armour.   The Knight armour was mainly developed on Chiron with the aid of Tuneas and some research and technological inputs offered by Nightblood’s researchers. Eventually the armour set was completed, with multiple upgrades including a state of the art camouflaging system among other features. It was completed in 2574.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The armour’s main components are as follows: Helmet, Torso, Left and Right shoulders pads + gauntlets and lastly, both legs. The armour is composed out of incredibly dense metallic alloys which give it surprising durability despite its slim frame. Its colouration is mostly midnight blue with light blue accents. A special titanium nano weave bodysuit is worn underneath the armour which offers very limited protection from attacks.   Helmet: This component protects the user’s head from limited small arms fire. It has a visor transparent from the inside though tinted yellow. The inside of the visor projects a Heads-Up-Display which shows important information such as armour integrity, power supply, weapons status, and motion tracker. In addition, there is also a built in communications array. A basic-level onboard AI can help interface with computer systems.   Torso: The torso section of the armour offers the most protection for the user. The lower back houses the pinch fusion power supply. On the upper back are two thrusters which allow for very limited levitation.   Arms: Shoulders offer protection to upper arms. One arm features an extendable, 15 centimeter carbon blade. The other arm has housed within it a miniaturised rotary minigun that uses coilgun technology to propel small munitions at hypersonic speeds, enabling high damage output despite the small size of the projectiles.   Legs: The upper sections protect the upper part of the legs. The lower sections feature integrated thrusters which can allow for very limited levitation in conjunction with the back thrusters on the torso. The toes of the boots hold extendable 9 centimeter carbon blades.   A flexible, conductive material developed by Tuneas lines the inner and outer parts of the suit. This feature allows the user to safely channel their own magical energy through the armour.. For example, a pyrokinetic would be able to project flames while wearing the armour, without fear of causing damage to it.   Magnetic holsters on the armour’s back and outer thighs allow for regular CONCORD weapons to be holstered if the user should choose to carry them. The armour features an “eject” option which when initiated, separates the armour plating from the back and launches the user out of it.   The armour’s built-in AI’s “basic” classification refers to its level of intelligence and sentience. While not as advanced as regular, fully sentient artificial intelligences, it is by no means incompetent. The AI is far more advanced than its 21st century counterparts.   As part of an extreme emergency failsafe, should the armour somehow be hijacked or the operative gone rogue, high-ranking military officials and representatives are able to trigger or disable any of the armour’s vital functions with a secret verbal command or by remote activation.
Item type
Creation Date
Owning Organization
Raw materials & Components
  • Dense metallic alloys
  • Titanium nano weave bodysuit
  • Flexible, conductive suit lining