Persecution of Supernaturals

It was only a few months after the Second Hellian Crusade reports of terrorist attacks across the entire globe started to surface. The reports alleged that the attacks had been carried out by supernaturals, either in groups or alone. These attacks drew the attention of the UDF and NIA, who began to introduce stricter profiling procedures in each and every country on Earth, leading to protest and uproar. Many humans supported these methods while others were more sympathetic and demanded that the supernaturals stop being mistreated.   Unfortunately, things took a turn for the worst when the biggest attack happened in Central London, leaving almost a hundred dead. Police investigation into the incident traced evidence back to the planet’s only Knights Academy.   Soon, several armed policemen began to swarm the Knights building, under direct orders from the Naval Intelligence Agency. Meanwhile at Silas’s mansion, Gavin and Diana had been watching the events occur and quickly made their way to the academy in a stolen van. There, with the help of Kitty's daughter Jaya, her other daughter Temperance and her girlfriend Avalon, they managed to create a distraction and quickly save as many of the students as possible before escaping to Silas’s mansion via a secret entrance.    

Dead Blood

They met Kitty inside, who had heard about what happened. Gavin left Jaya, Temperance, Diana and Avalon there to look after the students while he and Kitty went to investigate the location of the terrorist attack. While inspecting a damaged building, an unseen sniper suddenly fired four dead blood-laced shots into Kitty’s back before disappearing.   Gavin hurriedly rushed the now comatose Kitty back to the mansion where Silas and Diana worked to administer a cure, however the mansion was suddenly attacked. The sniper, revealed to be an unknown Praetorian super soldier, led a group of UDF army troopers into the mansion where a chaotic fight ensued.   In the short but tense battle, the mansion was destroyed but luckily enough, Silas managed to get everyone out and they all escaped to the countryside in a large van. There, they arrived at the now retired Darius Apone’s property, who was married to Kristen Cartwright with two children. Darius agreed to give refuge to the forty students and the recovering Kitty.    


Shortly thereafter, Gavin, Silas, Diana, Temperance, Avalon and the volunteering students Solaris Gelinda and Mizol (a small alien creature) devised a plan of espionage mission on a party held by a government contracting company that Gavin suspected was affiliated with the Naval Intelligence Agency. Suspecting foul play at work, Gavin argued that evidence of a conspiracy could exist within the company’s building.   During the mission, the group discovered that the company was run by three demons in disguise. Although their plan to collect classified information went smoothly, they were very soon found out and were forced to make escape through different exits. Solaris, Gelinda, Temperance and Avalon’s team managed to escape unnoticed and retreated back to the barn while Gavin, Diana and Mizol were forced to hijack a jeep and lead a chase into a highway.   During the chase, Diana was able to get rid of the human security forces but the three were quickly found and fired upon by a UDF dropship. The dropship released two Elite Commandos led by the enigmatic Praetorian super soldier and an intense battle waged during the chase. Another dropship suddenly arrived, though this one fortunately piloted by Sebastian who led Fireteam Aqua to aid Gavin and Diana.    


Amidst the ensuing battle, the enemy dropship was destroyed, the Elite Commandos killed and the Praetorian disappeared after having his jetpack destroyed. Gavin, Diana and Mizol, this time accompanied by Sebastian, and the other two members of his fireteam Natasha and Valeryie, regrouped with the rest back at the barn as news channels began to report the global capture and imprisonment of supernatural races.   They eventually left Darius’s barn for one of Silas’s many secret hideouts. For the next couple of months, the group continued to move from one hideout to another after each previous one would be found out. While the political battle raged across human space, a much darker threat brewed on the horizon.