Jaya Almis

Jaya Veilsong- Almis

Jaya Almis is the daughter of the Descendant Daniel Almis and the Vampire Queen Kittiana Youngblood. She is most remembered for her instigation of the Union-Nightblood Civil War which ended in her apparent death and the independence on Nightblood as a planet. She secretly went on to fight alongside her father against the Rift King, dying at the Extinction.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Jaya was a tall, slender woman who appeared no older than 30. She had bright red hair with a tint of orange that fell past her shoulders, inherited from her mother, accompanied by piercing blue eyes, inherited from her father. She often wore simple clothing with a lightly enchanted blue cloak, not needing to carry much else in the way of armour or weapons on her person.

Special abilities

Jaya has studied many aspects of magic, making sure to try her hand at any she could find. This gives her a wide choice in combat, but she particularly specialises in Fire and Arcane magic. Her Descendant blood gives her a noticeable advantage in the art of magic.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The daughter of Daniel Almis and Kittiana Youngblood, Jaya was stolen and presumed dead at a young age by Zalgo's cultists. Almost 2 decades later she was found again, having been stuck under the Starforger's control to be used against her parents. Thankfully she was freed and released from the prison of time via the sword Blightslayer and its purging enchantment. Because of this she was imbued with Angelic form and pure white hair.   She later inherited her father's throne on Phoenixspire, rebuilding the kingdom and uniting the Supernatural races to form the Galactic Systems Union in alliance with Humanity. It was then she married Talis Veilsong, King of the Fey. She later sat on the GSU Council, acting in the best interests of the state. Although she maintained her angelic pride, her white hair faded over the years, supposedly due to the destruction of Blightslayer.   Eventually the effects of her purging wore off completely, returning the Phoenix entity's fire within her. After the Cataclysm and the destruction of Phoenixspire, she remained a lead council member on Earth, stopping at nothing to keep the Union safe. This led to sparking the Civil War during the Nightblood Riots, where Jaya was publicly assumed to have been killed.   In reality she was saved by Gavin from the Phoenix and joined the rest of the Almis family on their quest to the Traveller's Dimension to prepare for the coming of the Rift. There she lived until her death a year later when the Rift King caused the Extinction.

Intellectual Characteristics

Jaya is mostly a serious person, yet she has a lighter side that comes through to the people closest to her. Despite her confidence and headstrong opinions, she can be insecure about her past guilt and actions, becoming quite self-judgemental.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Queen of Phoenixspire
  • GSU Council Member
2420 2582 162 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed by the Rift King