
Seh'makou (a.k.a. the Celestial of Deals)

Seh'Makou is one of the Major Celestials, the Celestial of Destiny and Deals, who often uses his powers for deception and the furtherment of malicious deeds throughout the galaxy.

Physical Description

Body Features

Having favoured and played with the people of 20th Century New Orleans, Makou began assuming the human form of a local jazz player he once cheated of his soul. Since then he has appeared as a dark skinned, bald, yet charismatic looking man. It is unknown what his 'true' form is, but when he is using his full Celestial power he is usually the same man except dressed in elaborate purple finery and a top hat; along with white skull face paint.

Special abilities

Magic of Deals - Seh'Makou can bind others into deals with him, making him unstoppable once it has been sealed. By tricking people into seemingly fair deals, he usually gets what he wants. If they refuse or resist, they lose their souls to him.   Voodoo Magic - As the patron of Voodoo magic, having introduced the practice among early humans, he has an extremely advanced knowledge and power in dark and necromatic arts. He is also known to peer into the future through tarot cards.   Captured Souls - Through some of the powerful souls he has captured, Seh'Makou can force them to perform acts for him out of their own skill set. For example, it is believed his capture of the Starforger's soul would allow him a limited control over time and space if utilised.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

One of the first cases of Celestial corruption, Seh'makou has always plotted in secrecy against his fellow kin and their mortal world. He sought not to destroy it but to use it as his personal playground. Toying around with mortals and their souls, tricking them into deals that would benefit himself as well as fuel his desire for consuming the most powerful spirits.   Seh'Makou was responsible for Sam'anar's attempted destruction of Earth, and also for the summoning of Zalgo on Phoenixspire. He eluded the heroes of the galaxy even after these events, until eventually he was finally out-tricked in one of his own deals by Kittiana Youngblood, causing him to be imprisoned in her angel-enchanted blade; along with all the souls he had previously laid claim to.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Celestial of Destiny
  • The Trickster
  • The Father of Voodoo