
Succubi, and their male counterpart Incubi, were a lower class of Demon specifically bred and engineered for pleasure in the early days of Hell. They would attend to Hellion lords and act as concubines often, yet eventually their evolution would cause them to begin to hunger for the souls and blood of the lustful, becoming extremely proficient in compulsion in their own unique way that could 'charm' weaker minds. Many Succubi broke free and began stalking Earth, preying on unsuspecting Humans who would fall into their trap. Over the centuries Succubi were elevated in Hellion society to be more than just concubines, with some becoming agents trained in infiltrating the enemy through seduction or deception. Since the destruction of Hell and the official joining of Devils to Concord, the few remaining Succubi have settled either into businesses of pleasure or deception. It is not impossible however that some wish to break the stigma of their kind.
Encompassed species