
Devils, also known as Hellians, are a collection of species that originated from the realms of Hell and Hades.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Without a homeworld or much population to form societies in recent times, Devils have forgotten their original culture and share few beliefs except for those developed by similar environments. Many will feel like outsiders, especially in places outside the Coalition where they are still legal enemies. Some might isolate themselves more, while others might seek to change the stigma against them and prove the other species wrong.


Originally from the realm of Hell, Devils were once grouped into the larger species of Hellians and were completed reviled by every other species due to their part in the Early Wars and the later Crusades. Through these wars their two homeworlds, Hell and the later-settled Hades, were destroyed causing a near extinction of their species. When the Acheron Cataclysm occured and a new kind of demon started ravaging the galaxy, the Devils were automatically and accidentally categorised with them.   After the Extinction a famous Devil, formerly known as the Blue Spirit, pledged to Queen Kittiana that he would lead his species to redemption and civilisation, renouncing the name of Demons and living as Devils under the Invictus Coalition. This Devil, called Azazel, became the nominated member on the Coalition Council for his species. Many Devils are now welcome, even if still mistrusted by the common folk, in Concord territory. Whether they all seek to adjust to civilised life is up for question. Whilst most Devils are content with the new way of civilisation, a small number seek to restore the old Kingdom of Hell.
Scientific Name
Related Ethnicities

Articles under Devil