The Archons

The Archons were an ancient species responsible for founding the Valor Santori order. They were known to have bright skin colours, hooved feet, and horns; however these descriptions are purely from fragmented Santori lore and art. It is thought they existed around the same time as the Primordials.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations


Billions of years ago, the Archons were a hugely powerful and far-reaching civilisation in the universe; employing magitech to its highest potential. Their advancements in magic eventually drew the attention of the Celestials, with whom they made an agreement with to uphold their Celestial Law. From this agreement the Archons formed the Valor Santori, an order of magic-wielding guardians tasked with defending the universe from evil. At some point in time however, the Archons and the Santori were mysteriously wiped out.
Average Height
6-7ft (Theorised)
Average Physique
Large, Muscular

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