The Keeper


The Keeper is the mysterious de-facto leader of the Serpentum Imperium through being the only authority that can veto and override decisions made by the Prime Tribunal. In a society where merit and title bears considerable weight the Keeper is mysterious to all members of the Imperium's hierarchy, having owed his rise to power by the appointment and trust of the Imperator Zorbek shortly after The Acheron Invasion  and has earned his authority since by guiding the Varanus past a societal depression caused by The Extinction and regaining access to the Starcutter which signalled a restoration of the Imperium and slow gradual restoration of Varanus and Imperial society over the century.   The Keeper is a figure of reason and wisdom despite being allegedly younger then most Tribunal members and has advocated and put into practice the first era of longstanding peace since the Varanus arrived in the Milky Way, the so-called Keeper's Peace has seen the Imperium flourish to once again become a galactic power.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

The Keeper is unknown beyond his ivory-white cloak and mask and even before that when he was first appointed by the Imperator he was revealed to the generals as a masked individual.

Specialized Equipment

Often accompanied by his large datasphere which is in reality a sentient energy being encased within a special computerized construct that allows the Keeper to access and interface with the Starcutter's extensive archives.   He also possesses a staff made of a living metal that can be reshaped into any tool the Keeper requires but is often used to control and shape the living metal that makes up the Tribunal chamber as a show of authority and control.
Current Location
403 (allegedly)
Current Residence
Starcutter Worldship
Male (based on horns)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations