Time Magic

Regulated by the Guardians of Time, Time Magic was once impossible for anyone else to use as any breach of the timeline would be quickly intervened by the Guardians and resolved. However, since the Extinction destroyed the Chrono Realm where the Guardians resided, they are no longer in place to protect the timeline. Fortunately since the resurgence of magic through the Glow, no one has managed to discover a way to replicate Time Magic once again. It remains unknown if it is still possible at all.   There was once always an Aspect of Time, one person who lead the effort to maintain the timeline. However since the last Aspect, Jack Chronis, sacrificed himself to close the first Acheron portal; there has been no proper Aspect in place. It is thought that R'Tas has taken on some of the responsibility of ensuring the timeline does not falter, but only as best he can.