
Zalgo , the Celestial of Madness

Zalgo (d.2547) was one of the Major Celestials, originally the Celestial of Intelligence, he was later corrupted and became known as the Celestial of Madness.

Physical Description

Body Features

Like the other Celestials, Zalgo could take many forms. His most prominent were:   Tentacled Beast - Since his descent into madness Zalgo appears as a large squid-like creature.   Entity Host - Zalgo managed to channel a part of himself through a host, usually a devoted Cultist, allowing for a shadowy figure of himself to roam the mortal plane should the host summon his form.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Created by the so-called Titans to be the Celestial of Intelligence, Zalgo gifted sentience to many creatures of the galaxy. Exactly how Zalgo fell has remained a mystery, but it was clear something corrupted his heart.   Zalgo became the Celestial of Madness, taking on a horrific form of a giant monster formed only from dark matter and disgusting slimy skin. His tendrils could appear from anywhere on himself as they seek to grab anything they can corrupt. Primarily his focus is on the mind. His followers devote themselves blindly to him believing he will open the eyes of all mortals to his glorious rule. Those who come across his magic or matter find themselves haunted by maddening whispers and cries. The weak minded become mindless, and even the strong-willed begin to question their own thoughts.   On the day of Christmas 2563 Zalgo almost entered the mortal realm fully, summoned by a maddened Daniel Almis and the already mad necromancer Lana. He was however driven back and defeated when Dan broke free of corruption and ascended to his Celestial form; Sam'anar, with a banishing curse being laid upon Zalgo to never return for as long as the sword Blightslayer remains intact.   When the blade was finally broken by the trickster celestial Seh'Makou, Zalgo attacked Phoenixspire but was swiftly defeated by Gaia, Celestial of Life, sacrificing her life. It is said a relic was created out of the essences of both Zalgo and Gaia, but it has not been seen since.

Morality & Philosophy

Zalgo is consumed by rage and madness ever since he was corrupted, presumably by Seh'Makou, and makes it his own purpose to bring all of the realms into his madness. Because of this he can not be reasoned with or brought to peace. The only people he even thinks of sparing are his devoted cultists, but even then he will sacrifice them for his cause without hesitation. His anger spreads to all things, but most of all his fellow Celestials.
Year of Death