Mooncloud Park

Mooncloud Park is a magically itinerant amusement park occupied by a chapter of The Goblin driven a little kooky by long-term exposure to the energies of the Fae Realm. Shifting regularly between locations in the structured material world as a result of ancient arcanomechanical devices commissioned by Lunar architects in time immemorial, the park has gathered a motley population of bizarre creatures and other assorted hangers-on who are just as likely to entertain, scam, or attack visitors who stray too far from the main thoroughfares when visiting hours end.


Aside from instances of The Goblin, who comprise the majority of the population, sizeable minorities of quartz elves, lunars, and even a few mothfolk reside among the rides and stalls on a permanent basis. A combination of curiously bountiful resources - for example, the mysterious tendency of the food and drink stalls to restock each full moon regardless of contact with outside farms or traders - and certain mind-altering enchantments woven by the park administrators on useful subjects keeps most members of the population from fleeing as soon as the park's location changes.


The mothfolk royals Crysa and Dorven Malus - a powerful Imperious Agent and her Hexbound Enforcer, respectively - are responsible for keeping the mostly Goblin population in check through a combination of magical and social manipulations. Crysa is the dominant partner in this relationship and, though she seldom issues direct commands to her subjects, all permanent residents know that she can kill them instantly if they try to escape the park or directly resist her orders. Crysa delegates control of the various sections of the park to her immediate children, each of whom manages a small group of 'employees' when the park is open to the public.


Mooncloud park features paved paths wide enough for two carriages to pass one another. Black iron lamps line these paths to provide illumination for late-night park-goers. A canal wends between the hills atop which most of the park infrastructure and rides have been built, providing river ferry access to the major attractions for those looking to get off their feet for a while. A tall wrought iron fence intergrown with trees, vines, and shrubbery denote the boundary of the park.   Mooncloud park was ancient even before the Dire Silence and remains open even in the New Generica Period. The park was able to survive global catastrophes because it is a pocket dimension of sorts, a region of space that transitions between a set number of locations in both the Material and Fae Realms on a regular, alternating basis. A shift occurs every 10 days. A hidden bunker somewhere beneath the northernmost hill of the park contains a work of Lunar artifice that, like at Lunalimina, powers and regulates this unique feature of the park. The park only operates in temperate weather, so half of the stops along its circuit lie in the southern hemispher and the other half in the northern hemisphere to chase the local warm season. Savvy guests could attempt to secret themselves among the rides until after dawn on the 10th day of a given stop, to effectuate travel between the realms and across the surface of New Generica, but doing so is not without risk; 'stragglers' are hunted on the first night by agents of Crysa for forced recruitment onto the staff.

Points of interest

Three of the four small clearings contain special attractions related to the major species resident in Mooncloud Park. The Lunar Astronomy Experience is a series of follies in the style of Lunalimina archictecture and houses a telescope and planetarium open to the public. The Goblin Seer's Camp is a mysticism- and alchemy-themed event pavilion where guests can get their fortunes read, try out various mini-potions with humorous, temporary effects, and purchase small magical trinkets as souveniers. The Mothfolk Crystalline Hive Experience is an oversized honeycomb where guests can try out confections and pet or ride oversized, wooly insects. It should be noted that each of these regions conceal actual residences for the staff in addition to serving as attractions.   Mooncloud park is best known for its rides, which include wooden minecart coasters, side friction coasters, spinning tub coasters, and river rapids rides. The lifts and scenery elements for these rides are powered by horizontal cogs that erupt from the ground, the motion of which is driven by the ancient Lunar machinery beneath the large northern hill.


Entrance to the Mooncloud Park is free, but rides, vendor stalls, and themed experience areas all require tickets to interact with. Ticket booklets can be purchased at the front gates or at either information kiosk.   The park is technically open continuously from the dusk upon which it arrives at at emergence point and the dawn upon which it leaves, but - especially in modern, less populous times - it is rare for any but those most familiar with the area are aware of that fact. The first and last days of Mooncloud Park's arrival at one of its emergence points are occupied with the laying out and gathering up of advertisements in the surrounding area respectively. Trusted criers, often mothfolk tied to the Malus family, go out into communities throughout the countryside to announce the arrival of the park and promote its amusements in stereotypically boisterous fashion.   The process of establishing a coterminous connection with a different plane for a volume of space the size of the park takes time, during which the park hurtles through the undefined boundary zone between dimensions; this is the reason for the discrepancy between opening and closing times. During the transition, the staff cleans, resets any relevant equipment for use at the next stop, and hunts for anyone who might be attempting to 'hitch a ride' on park grounds. Captured stowaways are bought before the mothfolk royalty for indoctrination and, thus, become permanent fixtures of the park. Savvy guests make their exit after the midnight fireworks show on day ten to give themselves ample time to find the exits.   Other than the risk of guests becoming 'recruited,' Mooncloud Park enjoys an almost perfect safety record. Indeed, guests are more likely to be the danger than to encounter it there.


  • Mooncloud Park

Cover image: by Austin Schmid


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