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Nergui Khan

Great Khan Nergui Khan (a.k.a. The Great Khan, Great Conqueror, The Devourer, Khan of Khans)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Khan is a towering man at a clean seven foot tall with a hard and chiseled figure. His body is a pale porcelain covered with several tattoos.

Special abilities

Miasma of the Phoenix 5, Phoenix 10, Gale 10, Aqua 10, Terra 10 - Khan specializes in the element of poison but has developed a unique world class power that is feared and respected by man. With the power of his own element of Morta, he aetherially tuned it into a miasma that completely kills all organic life it touches in seconds but within the days as the land that was touched by Khan's miasma decays, it flourishes into a renewed virgin nature, leaving nothing but great plains and forests in the wake of Khan's battlefields.
Due to the rare elemental gems embedded in his heart, Khan has a prowess for the power of several advanced elements without restrictions, mostly for his ability to create storms that spread and manipulate his miasma onto the battlefield.

Mental characteristics



Accomplishments & Achievements

Has conquered and unified half the east in his short lifetime already.

Intellectual Characteristics

Khan displays a genius level of intellect in his overall general knowledge but displays a super genius intellect in his war strategies.

Morality & Philosophy

Believes that if the East was under one banner it could easily control the world, and firmly believes he is the only man possible.


Contacts & Relations

Khan once had a harem but ever since meeting his soul mate, his harem was disbanded.

Family Ties

Nergui has no surviving relatives.

Hobbies & Pets



A light eastern accent is dawned over his low and commanding voice.


Altan Yamaat


Towards Nergui Khan



Nergui Khan


Towards Altan Yamaat




The only member of his home village to remain in the face of the Khan invasion, Altan challenged the Khagan to a battle to the death. His incredible endurance and battle prowess made him a formidable warrior against Nergui. However, he ultimately lost, though endured in spite of lethal injuries. Upon recovering he was enlisted into Nergui's army and quickly made waves as the Khagan's top Noyon. He has remained as Nergui's right hand man.

Relationship Reasoning

A mutual respect for one another, developed as a result of Altan's refusal to back down and inability to fall in combat.

Shared Secrets

[If I told you, then it wouldn't be a secret.]

Wealth & Financial state

Vast riches with only a small portion being inherited, mostly gained from conquest as he actually has a relatively low tax rate across his Empire.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Khagan - Khan of Khans
Currently Held Titles
Date of Birth
31st of October, 2999
Year of Birth
2999 40 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
A blood moon was present on this date.
Abyssal Purple
Long Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, heavily tattoo'd
250 lbs.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Be of one mind and one faith, that you may conquer your enemies and lead long and happy lives."
"At military exercises I am always in front, and in times of battle I am never behind."
"A land conquered by my hand, is a land guided by my hand."
"My dominance shall be rivaled by none."
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Khani, Imperial, Most eastern languages.
Ruled Locations

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