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Session 12: Split Paths

General Summary

The party splits off into 3 groups.  
  1. Hoo decides to go and find one of their missing siblings, and leaves a note for the party
  2. Francisco Presto keeps watch over the Drangolins and the magical coat closet
  3. Anton Chooze , Kaja Petrov , Duke Viktor Harpaine , and Belmund Brokenhead go through the close to the coat closet and will attempt to reach Mulligan's Makeout Point, where the small Chest Anton's uncle gave him was hidden

The Group in the Forest:

  Upon setting out into the horrifically overgrown forest, the group learned the extent of the The Bear Wish Project . They were able to make it to the road after a few hours, but either Duke Viktor Harpaine's info was wrong, or the forest had streched its dimensions in multiple directions. After meandering along the road they encounter Fenwick Brassfoot and Shethirrot the plasmoid . This led to a very tense standoff with the group telepathically telling Anton to not attack Fenwick. Anton barely held it together until he got a sending from Fenwick a few minutes later mocking him. In his rage he chopped down a tree and earned the ire of the forest. They were attacked by a bear they quickly dispatched. Later in the afternoon they split off from the path to go up to Mulligan's Makeout Point. The began to be followed and tormented by a Bonestalker that jumped onto and attacked them. The Duke barely survived before the Bonestalker was dispatched. During the fighting Kaja realized the cat that had been following them was actually a local Hag known as Shtriga Nonna.   The group defeated the bonestalker and found the remains of Sienna Harpaine 's Genie vessell. There was clear evidence of a fight from whenever this vessell burst, and a ruined metal robot body found destroyed by fire. The group pieced together this must've been both Feniwck and The Black Iron Pact . Anton found a new advanced spear and shield combo made of the finest dwarven metal he'd ever seen. Viktor found about 500gp worth of illicit drugs, and also found a modified sending stone believed to be one of Sienna's possessions.   After looting the vessell and a peace offering provided to Shtriga Nonna from Anton (he tried to shove her in a bag of holding), the group made their way to her hut for a rest and to make some deals.   Outside the session in discord, the group learned the following information and made the following deals:
  1. Anton earned a scroll of see invisibility for 2 levels of exhaustion upon leaving the hut
  2. Viktor earned a ring that will let him know when the Djinn is near with an unknown cost
  3. The group is being stalked by Fenwick's abominations, Ceemal has entered the hut with a letter from Fenwick and is attempting to sway Shtriga Nonna to lift her protection on the adventurers.
          At the end of this session (after long rest in Hag hut and when Hoo comes back to Frankie's Hut) is has been:


Rewards Granted

Hoo and Frankie

Hoo explored the city, and eventually ended up going to Justice and Honor territory to find their lost sister Maggie. Upon arriving they found out Maggie had been found as a survivor of the comet impact, and was now helping Justice and Honor reclaim territory. However her scouting group hadn't come back since setting out this afternoon. Hoo set out in the morning with some goblins at the crack of dawn. Hoo almost single handedly took down an Ankheg that had trapped Maggie's team in a rural farmhouse. After reuniting with their siblings, Hoo made their way back to Frankie inside the dome that afternoon.   Meanwhile...   Frankie stayed in the Dome with Duchess Avery Isilet on the other side of the magical closet. Frankie first encountered some zombie pirates looking for supplies in the buildling. They seemed suprisingly lucid compared to other undead and one of them even recognized Frankie. They left Frankie alone at his request and left with the supplies. Frankie learned that they and some other zombies were currently building something "At the captain's orders".. Later, Frankie heard an individual calling out for help. It was a few survivors from an ambushed Remnants squad that had just fought The Foreraiders . They had to resummon the hut, where the Duchess and Frankie helped heal the commander of the squad and discussed with them briefly their predicament. The Orc Sergeant they healed was thankful and saw no reason to question the group farther. Frankie remained in the dome until Hoo arrived the next afternoon.
Report Date
18 Dec 2023

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