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History of The People's Spiritual Alliance

The Netherese Era

... 0

The golden era of Netherese rule. In these 500 years no other nation on the planet could compete with the strength of the Netherese empire and their wonderous flying cities.

  • -1 NE

    22 /11

    The Fall of Ythryn
    Disaster / Destruction

    For an unknown reason thought to be tied to the fall of the Netherese empire, the city of Ythryn fell and went missing. This city is significant in that it was recorded as falling and going missing just a few short days before the collapse of magic.

  • 0 NE

    The Fall of The Netherese
    Era beginning/end

    Seeking to control the weave of magic itself, the Netherese Emperor attempted to cast a strong enough ritual to make him the new god of magic, overthrowing Mystril. However Mystril herself intervened, tearing the weave of magic and interrupting the ritual at a crucial moment. Magic itself broke, and every Netherese city fell to the ground.

The Churn Era

1 1000

A brutal time period where magic was still realigning itself. Pockets of twisted and corrupt magic remained in some areas, and in others almost nothing. Empires rose and fell swiftly. In the areas where Netherese cities fell, entire kingdoms would sprout from the powerful pockets of magic and research. However they were immensely fragile from being built on the vestiges of a dead empire.

  • 230 TCE

    Mending of the Weave
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The return of the magical goddess Mystril (NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH NATIONAL HERO AND BARD MYSTRA) and a return of the rules of magic turning to normal.

  • 300 TCE

    600 TCE

    The Dune Wars
    Military: War

    A period of prolonged and brutal wars of the nations surrounding The Opafire Desert  in what would now become The Azur .

The Foundational Era

1001 1593

After magic had stabilized in the Churn, the start of the foundational Era was marked by the sudden reappearance of the survivors of the Netherese city of Maunator. These powerful and benevolent mages set to work building the foundations of our modern magical world, and eventually the PSA itself.

  • 1001

    The Rebirth
    Era beginning/end

    The city of Maunator had orignally gone missing during ___. Even before The Fall of The Netherese  . However, a brave group of survivors from the city went back into the strange pocket dimension it had been shunted to. They managed to recover survivors who had still been trapped in this pocket dimension. However when they reentered they found the world a changed place, with around 1000 years having passed. They reappeared in what is now The Opafire Desert. With around 100 mages from the Netherese civilization, these survivors had been shunted in time by the same Feywild magic that destroyed the city in the first place. These survivors had to slowly piece together what had happened to their empire, make their way out of this desert, and begin civilization anew.

  • 1009

    The founding of Cavena

    The first magical structures were erected in what would come to be known as Trivena by the survivors of The Rebirth  . These neighborhoods made in the first few days are still standing to this day.

  • 1059


    The North Goliath War
    Military: War

    A prolonged war between the Northern Goliath Tribes and Claire's OG Nation .

  • 1234

    The Knot Tying
    Plague / Epidemic

    The beginning of The Knots, a debilitating plague like affliction that made magic deadly to use and could even affect onlookers. Appearing without warning in specific areas, entire provinces could find their ways of life to be deadly. Nations entered a period of low magic usage, and began focusing on attempting to advance technology and find a cure.

  • 1235


    The Knots
    Plague / Epidemic

    The ~300 years when the knotting of magic became more and more prevalent. The usage of magic sharply dropped off out of safety for empires. Entire nations found their magical backbones of their economy causing their own destruction overnight. As such the governments of the twin continents looked to alternative means to ensure the safety of their citizens. The realization that divine magic was exempt from the rules of The Knots caused a surge in piety. Technology became more abundant, and theocracies sprouted up in most major nations.

  • 1583


    The Great Dwarven Civil War
    Military: War

    The Royalists and the Aggrieved Dwarven Factions began an intense and brutal war amongst their tunnels and mountain ranges

  • 1588

    The Untying
    Discovery, Scientific

    The discovery of a way to mend magic, and end The Knots . The increase in technology and non arcana based magic forced many nations to adapt. Piety had become a powerful part of the world, and Theocracies were more and more prominent. One group, in what would soon become The Church of the Collective had found a way to use divine healing, but without the help of a god. Some of the bravest zealots and most unselfish souls volunteered to go on a miracle mission that ended with the Raven Queen helping lend enough power to undo The Knots. The Church of the collective became known locally in their existing nation, and membership skyrocketed in the coming years. This further increased the miracles of the collective church and allowed the generosity of the group to reach further and further.

  • 1590

    The Battle of Karthpour Pass
    Military: Battle

    Part of the large dwarven civil war between The Aggrieved and The Royalists. This battle was almost the utter defeat of The Aggrieved. However, the sudden appearance of an avatar of the collective appeared, splitting the mountain pass in one act of sheer divine miracle working. This saved The Aggrieved nation and allowed them to safely regroup. This battle is often citing as the turning point of the war, and what caused The Aggrieved to accept The collective as a valid religion. Shortly after this they formally announced their alliance with the Orcish tribes in what would soon to be known as the PSA.

The Silver Era

1594 and beyond

The Era marked by the foundation of The People's Spiritual Alliance . This is the current era of the world. Named the Silver era in honor of the church and its prevalence in this era of stability and prosperity. Further named for the goal of the people to work together to make way for a better era for our future descendants.

  • 1594

    The founding of Trivena
    Era beginning/end

    Where the 3 nations of Dwarves, Humans, and Orcs came together to officially announce a concord of peace, and the agreed shared capital of Cavena, to be renamed to Trivena .

  • 1794

    The Rejoining of New Mystra
    Diplomatic action

    In what was called Mystra at the time, the city state that originally belonged to Rococo , the government unanimously decided to join the neighboring nation of The People's Spiritual Alliance after seeing many neighboring provinces, fiefdoms, and villages joining the collective. This has become a widely celebrated event due to the peaceful nature in which such a powerful city state joined the alliance.

  • 1937

    21 /6

    The Beginning of the Everlasting Rime
    Geological / environmental event

    Auril, Goddess of Winter's Wrath, begins an everlasting winter around the Ten Towns in the northern section of the Icewind Dale. Many supply routes immediately shut off, and the area becomes immensely inhospitable. Adventurers begin flocking to the area to try and find an end to this curse.

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  • 1939

    25 /12

    Mysterious Visitors
    Celestial / Cosmic

    A pitch black comet of sorts appears somewhere over the twin continents and immediately begins flying at a high speed across the continents. Eyewitnesses report large chunks of metal and people being flung out of it in clusters of magical color. It makes no noise. Only humans in odd clothing come from the portal, no other species. They claim to be from another planet without magic, yet many carry seemingly magical items.

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  • 1940

    3 /6

    The Ending of The Rime
    Geological / environmental event

    Without warning, the eternal winter plaguing the Dale provinces North of the Spine of the World suddenly ended. Travelers and Adventures race to figure out what happened, and local representatives of the region are contacted.   It is revealed that a group of adventurers slayed the mortal form of the goddess Auril, delved into the Reghed glacier, and found the lost city fromThe Fall of Ythryn  . They were able to use the city's immense power to undo the winter and restore the local weather to normal.

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  • 1940

    5 /10 01:00

    Comet Impact in New Mystra
    Celestial / Cosmic

    A new beginning for a few. The end for many more.   Over 95% of the city's population is killed in an instant. Most buildings are destroyed. Some stay standing with magical wards, but windows are still shattered and the insides of organic beings are destroyed. Odd magical interactions occur throughout the city, and fires rage for most of the first night.

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