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Prequel Sessions

  • 1889

    Mialee Woods Siege
    Military: Skirmish

    A rebellion in a wood elf enclave is quelled by the military.

  • 1934

    2 /8

    The Night of the Living Jello
    Life, Birth

    A blue and orange protoplasm comes to life in a dumpster with a strange feywild creation in its chest. This feywild battery creates chaotic and deadly effects around the blob against their will. In the coming days they are chased relentlessly by hunters looking to cleanse this feywild abomination. Only by the grace of a retired monster hunter and shadow monk is the blob able to gain some rest. However a bloody and brutal fight leaves the blob the only survivor of these horrific monster hunters, and his first two friends dead on the cliff side.

  • 1937

    21 /6

    The Beginning of the Everlasting Rime
    Geological / environmental event

    Auril, Goddess of Winter's Wrath, begins an everlasting winter around the Ten Towns in the northern section of the Icewind Dale. Many supply routes immediately shut off, and the area becomes immensely inhospitable. Adventurers begin flocking to the area to try and find an end to this curse.

  • 1938

    3 /5

    The Plowden Election
    Political event

    The District of Plowden was shocked at the events that transpired in the week before the local election. Timphested, a local Dragonborn candidate doing well in the poles, had his house burned down in an act many accused of foul play or covering up evidence. He was arrested on the same night under suspicion of bribery. Further, a local favorite with radical ideas of feywild based crop farming, Mimanny Knocbock, was arrested that same night for growing illegal feywild crops. He was cleared a few days later for medical justification of growing the crops, but his popularity was ruined. Zinlar Stonefate won by a landslide, and many are still trading hushed rumors of what could have possibly happened that night to cause two arrests and secure a win for Zinlar.

  • 1938

    19 /8

    The Night of Sheathed Daggers
    Military action

    A series of powerful blows from Aggreived Military units stationed at The Father Bastion Military Base. Multiple cells of  The Golden Vault were purged as well as many other Cults and Heresy  . The largest operation was led by Captain conquest. In a very public chase against members of the steel wheels gang.

  • 1938

    19 /8

    The Sinking of the Gilded Sparrow
    Disaster / Destruction

    The merchant vessel The Gilded Sparrow just barely made it to the Canary Islands, before some of its cargo was detonated in the hold, causing it to mysteriously sink. All manner of suspicious events had occurred on the voyage, and folks have been very suspicious of the surrounding circumstance. The worst blow however, was the loss of plum tomatoes Milo Minderbinder was transporting!

  • 1939

    20 /4

    Life, Relocation

    A young man arrives in New Mystra with a guitar and a Dream

  • 1939

    25 /12

    Mysterious Visitors
    Celestial / Cosmic

    A pitch black comet of sorts appears somewhere over the twin continents and immediately begins flying at a high speed across the continents. Eyewitnesses report large chunks of metal and people being flung out of it in clusters of magical color. It makes no noise. Only humans in odd clothing come from the portal, no other species. They claim to be from another planet without magic, yet many carry seemingly magical items.

  • 1940

    20 /2

    Ship and a bottle
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    The young Duke of the Harpaine family learns the hard way that the everlasting rime is a cold and cruel place.   For more of a detailed summary read Ship and a bottle 

  • 1940

    5 /5

    Criminal Activity

    Members of The Lighthouse Division responded to a suspected cult ritual for The Hanged King . Instead they encountered a ritual gone wrong, and abhorrent geese were summoned. It was revealed to be a failed ritual by Earthborn citizens of New Mystra. The area was cleansed of all geese and monstrosities thanks to the actions of some brave soldiers.

  • 1940

    3 /6

    The Ending of The Rime
    Geological / environmental event

    Without warning, the eternal winter plaguing the Dale provinces North of the Spine of the World suddenly ended. Travelers and Adventures race to figure out what happened, and local representatives of the region are contacted.   It is revealed that a group of adventurers slayed the mortal form of the goddess Auril, delved into the Reghed glacier, and found the lost city fromThe Fall of Ythryn  . They were able to use the city's immense power to undo the winter and restore the local weather to normal.

  • 1940

    16 /8

    Tockwork's Clockworks

    The expedition put together by The Golden Vault which helped free the city from its mechanized automaton terrors controlled by Ms.Tockworth.
    See the official New Mystra report: The Occupation of Little Lockford

  • 1940

    5 /9

    Kidnapping of Ester
    Criminal Activity

    Ester Eli , the daughter of High Diviner Albert Eli is kidnapped in the middle of the night seemingly without warning. Elsewhere in the city a military operation was underway and lowered guard rotations in the previous months meant no one saw the kidnappers leaving the house. No ransom is given in the coming days, and no divination spells reveal her location. Albert takes a leave of absence from the council.

  • 1940

    23 /9

    Ester's Prediction
    Life, Supernatural

    Ester and her Foresworn abilities have predicted the following event: The twin continents will lose over 80% of its population in 2-5 years with currently 97% certainty. Currently only a handful of government officials and guild leaders know of this prediction.   These are dependent on the following factors she and her group has discovered:   If Milo Minderbinder lives through the next year, the worlds end seems to occur in 5 years, with a low of 90% odds of this event   If action is taken against this group who has kidnapped Ester, the odds of this world ending event sky rocket and almost guarantee the end of the world.   If Councillwoman Otulissa lives through the next two years, the catastrophic event occurs in two and a half years with extremely high odds.   If Arlyana the High Inquisitor lives through the next year, the catastrophic event occurs with nearly 100% odds, but the time varies between 2 years and 7 years.   The most minimal losses of life occur with very low odds, and no concrete predictions have been made, but the presence of multiple heretical groups, nations, and enemies of the PSA are required to save the most people. Where and when it happens changes and is not concrete

  • 1940

    3 /10

    Explosion at the docks
    Criminal Activity

    An explosion at The Government Docks occurs during the night, a ship regularly doing shipments for the city from The Brasscastle Family was parked at the docks and suddenly appeared to detonate at the docks. The city guard and military are looking into it.

  • 1940

    4 /10 01:00

    A bargain was struck
    Life, Career

    Arlyana the High Inquisitor makes a deal at 2am at Tommy Barley. What was said between these two remains to be seen.

  • 1940

    4 /10 08:00

    Life, Publicity


  • 1940

    4 /10 10:00

    The Coronation of the Shrike
    Technological achievement

    The first airship of the Aggreived Military is due to be coronated on the soon to fully built city Aerodome on the Spearedge cliffs .

  • 1940

    4 /10 11:00

    The Hidden Harbor Fight
    Military action

    A heated battled erupted beneath the cliffs where the coronation of the shrike was happening. It led to a minor earthquake in the area (thankfully no one was harmed), and many key suspects of the Kidnapping of Ester  were successfully killed and apprehended thanks to the heoric efforts of Commander Conquest and the The Lighthouse Division . A curfew has gone up around the city as the city guard looks to move quickly to close out the case and bring Ester home.

  • 1940

    5 /10 01:00

    Comet Impact in New Mystra
    Celestial / Cosmic

    A new beginning for a few. The end for many more.   Over 95% of the city's population is killed in an instant. Most buildings are destroyed. Some stay standing with magical wards, but windows are still shattered and the insides of organic beings are destroyed. Odd magical interactions occur throughout the city, and fires rage for most of the first night.