Adam Zimmermann Character in New Terra | World Anvil
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Adam Zimmermann

Character design by YourPumpkiness, story and personality by orphidor

Adam Zimmermann, Esquire

Adam may be a successful lawyer, but his peers don't hold him in very high regard. He's known for taking criminal defense cases where the person being accused is clearly guilty or their alleged crimes are especially heinous, then somehow managing to get his clients off with a light sentence or exploiting the letter of the law to allow them to walk free. Adam doesn't care that his practices typically land in a moral gray area. The pay he receives for his work and the satisfaction he gets from winning cases more than makes up for any judgement that may be directed his way.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Even in his youth, Adam loved to play the devil's advocate. Much to the displeasure of those around him, he argued for the sake of arguing, regularly fighting for points he didn't even believe in simply so that he could challenge his own debate skills. "You ought to be a lawyer" was a common retort people made after becoming frustrated with Adam's assertions. Most would have brushed the comment off, but the young Adam took it to heart.  
It was only during his teenage years that Adam learned when to debate and when to stay under the radar. There was value in listening instead of speaking: staying quiet often lead to Adam discovering information he could put to use later on. While he still retained his love for arguing seemingly-impossible points, he became more subdued and chose his timing much more carefully.  
After graduating from high school, Adam immediately began to attend law school. He absolutely loved his classes. Armed with the information he gathered from his studies, he was finally able to perfect his arguing techniques, something which pleased him greatly. After graduation, he started at the bottom within his chosen field, but after years of hard work and a move to California City, he began to rise toward infamy. His habit of representing the worst of the worst ruffled a few feathers, but Adam hardly cared. As always, his own approval was all he ever needed.  
During his 30s, Adam began to feel a creeping sense of dread surrounding the prospects of growing old. He felt he had the perfect life and didn't want to give it up. Fortunately for him, a client who happened to be a vampire soon requested his services. As an under-the-table portion of his payment, Adam requested some of the vampire's blood to drink so he himself could achieve immortality.

Gender Identity

Adam identifies as a man. He has never questioned the gender he was assigned at birth.


Though he feels attraction less often now than he did when he was alive, Adam still finds himself drawn to the occasional man.


Adam acquired his Juris Doctor degree at University of California, Los Angeles School of Law.

Intellectual Characteristics

His intelligence types are linguistic, logical, and interpersonal.

Morality & Philosophy

Adam isn't known to have the strongest moral code. He typically does what he wants, when he wants (within the exact letter of the law) and doesn't care if others do the same, as long as they don't bother him.

Personality Characteristics


Adam is primarily motivated by a desire to "win" at whatever he does, even the most basic of daily activities.

Likes & Dislikes

Loves arguing. Likes reading and fancy rats. Dislikes the cold sleep and being ignored. Hates losing.
Current Status
Current Location
1943 CE 1975 CE 32 years old
Los Angeles, CA
Place of Death
Current Residence
Short on top and long on the sides and back, silver-white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5 feet 11 inches
145 lbs
Known Languages

Cover image: by orphidor
Character Portrait image: by YourPumpkiness