Cassandra Nierling Character in New Terra | World Anvil
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Cassandra Nierling

Character design by notviego, story and personality by orphidor

Cassandra Nierling (a.k.a. "Cassie")

Cassandra, or Cassie as she's known to friends and family, is a true-crime YouTuber who covers new and historical cases based in her home city, California City. She's praised for her attention to detail and compassion toward the victim of the crimes she discusses. She delights in recording videos to build awareness for people who have faced injustices, usually while wearing perfectly on-point makeup and stylish clothing. While her following isn't massive, it's still large enough that she's formed a loyal fanbase.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Cassie loves being a woman and enjoys sharing the experience with others who identify as female. She has fun dressing in pretty clothing, doing her makeup, and discussing both with other women.


Cassandra is bisexual with a preference for men. Whether she's interested in a man or a woman, the ultimate thing that attracts her to them is their intellect.


Cassie has an associate's degree from one of California City's colleges.


She used to work as a receptionist for a general practitioner's office until her YouTube career took off enough for that to be her main source of income.

Accomplishments & Achievements

One of her recent videos went viral, bringing an influx of new subscribers to her channel. Cassie was absolutely over the moon about this. As a whole, she's created quite the library of extensively-researched, well-edited videos detailing various fascinating crimes that took place within and around California City, something which she is extremely proud of.

Mental Trauma

Unfortunately, due to her life revolving so heavily around her appearances in her videos, Cassandra feels a constant sense of self-doubt and regularly worries about the way she looks. If a pimple shows up on her face, she becomes depressed and fears that she'll be ridiculed for it. She has been known to spend a significant amount of time scrutinizing her faical features in the past and is currently recovering from an eating disorder.

Intellectual Characteristics

Her intelligence types are linguistic, logical, and interpersonal.

Morality & Philosophy

Cassie spends most of her time thinking about crime and justice. Though her channel revolves around crime, she is more interested in the lives and personalities of those affected and is extremely satisfied to educate people about those victims and know which perpetrators received justice. She believes that everyone should live together in peace, though her knowledge of the true crime world means that she realizes this might never be possible.
Current Status
Current Location
25 y/o
Date of Birth
October 6
Current Residence
Blue, friendly
Naturally black, usually dyed bright blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5 feet 4 inches
125 lbs
Known Languages
English, extremely basic German

Cover image: by orphidor
Character Portrait image: by notviego