Demon Species in New Terra | World Anvil
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Written by orphidor

When an abhorrent event takes place, such as a particularly brutal murder, the area where it happened is permanently stained by negative energy. This energy has the potential to cause various magical effects, including the spontaneous creation of demons.

Basic Information


Demons usually have horns, wings, and tails, though the way they look depends heavily on an individual's subspecies.

Genetics and Reproduction

Demons are incapable of biological reproduction, though they can hasten the creation of more of their kind by lingering around evil-stained locations and performing certain rituals.

Growth Rate & Stages

Upon their creation, they're comparable to a human teenager. They take up to five years to reach full size, grow accessories like horns, and arrive at their complete magical potential.

Ecology and Habitats

They tend to thrive near evil-stained places, which are more often than not located within larger settlements. They aren't limited by climate or other environmental factors.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Demons consume anything they can get their hands on, but they enjoy meat the most. They're capable of eating rotten items without suffering any consequences.

Biological Cycle

The older they get, the more powerful they become.


Demons tend to have destructive tendencies, though these can be curbed with discipline and medical treatments. Most of the older demons have discovered that blending in with society brings them greater rewards than causing trouble for fun, meaning that it's not uncommon to see them hold jobs that allow them to channel their natural desires in more socially-acceptable ways.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Demons almost always sort themselves according to their rank. The strength of their magical abilities and their age are what determine a demon's rank. Younger, less-powerful demons are ranked under older demons with stronger abilities. It's extremely uncommon to see demons who buck this trend and eschew the ranking system.

Facial characteristics

The structures of their faces varies as dramatically as that of the rest of their bodies. They tend to have pointed ears and sharp teeth. Some demons possess extra eyes, though this is rare.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Demons can be found wherever evil acts have occurred, no matter where in New Terra that may be.

Average Intelligence

They can be remarkably cunning and are more than capable of solving problems or concocting elaborate schemes.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their hearing and taste is similar to that of a human. Their senses of smell are slightly better. They have the ability to see in complete darkness.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Though they often follow human naming conventions, some demons may choose more menacing names influenced by sin and danger.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

They tend to speak the language of the people who committed the act or acts that resulted in their creation.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Most races fear the demons and treat them with distrust. It's often hard to discern a demon's motivations, so understanding when they might lash out or do something against someone else's best interests is difficult.
It is unknown how long demons can live because they only seem to grow stronger as they age.
Average Height
5 feet 6 inches to 6 feet
Average Physique
Their build varies widely between individuals. Some are thin and wiry, while others are broad and stocky.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
They're typically red in color, but blue, green, grayscale, and human-flesh-toned demons do exist.
Geographic Distribution

Articles under Demon

Cover image: by orphidor