Demon Violence-Reduction Serum Item in New Terra | World Anvil
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Demon Violence-Reduction Serum

Written by orphidor

Demons seem to have a natural inclination toward violence and chaos. Luckily, a formula has been discovered that, when administered on a regular basis, allows a demon to live a fairly-regular life.   The medication can be taken daily in pill form or monthly through an injection. The pill form wears off quicker than the injection form, but the injection is more likely to cause negative side effects.


Research into demons' chaotic and violent tendencies began shortly after the Weirdening, but the medication was only developed in the 1980s. It was quickly approved for clinical use and began to be distributed across the globe.


This serum negates demons' natural desires to burn and destroy at random, which allows them to live normal lives and causes fewer disruptions within society as a whole.
Item type
Drug / Narcotic / Medicine

Cover image: by orphidor