Einar McHale Character in New Terra | World Anvil
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Einar McHale (AY-nar)

Einar McHale

The Truth
Einar survived an attempted murder-suicide with surprisingly uplifting results. When they were 14 and 17, in a twisted attempt to spare him from the reality of life in a less-than-utopian world, his older brother shot him in the chest multiple times before ending his own life. Einar ultimately recovered, but the effects of this incident would scar him permanently. He turned to writing in an attempt to calm his turbulent mind and free him from the pain that plagued him in his daily life.  
The Other Truth
Einar survived an attempted murder-suicide with expectedly disastrous results. When they were 14 and 17, in a twisted attempt to spare him from the reality of life in a less-than-utopian world, his older brother shot him in the chest multiple times before ending his own life. Einar ultimately recovered, but the effects of this incident would scar him permanently. He turned to drugs in an attempt to calm his turbulent mind and free him from the pain that plagued him in his daily life.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Einar was born in Ireland to a single mother who worked two jobs to keep her sons fed and clothed. He did well in school, unlike his more rebellious older brother, Quinn, who was more focused on debating politics and the problems of the modern world with whoever would listen.
Quinn was always Einar's hero. The older brother was everything the younger wished he could be: popular, gregarious, and bold, albeit also rather reckless. In the months leading up to what Einar now refers to as "the Incident," however, something in Quinn seemed to change. The boy's debates began ending in fights, his mood became more sullen, and he spent more time listening instead of talking.
At this point in time, Einar is a permanent resident aboard a small houseboat, which he purchased with funds acquired from his prolific writing career. “Rent” is cheap, consisting only of dock fees that are easily gathered in the form of royalties from the various adventure novels he’s written.
Einar regularly takes time out of his idyllic life to craft new stories about fantastical adventures and heroic characters, who often topple corrupt governments in successful attempts to make their worlds better places for all. In his sleep, he is plagued by dreams of an alternate version of himself who dwells in a haze aboard a hellish train.
Alternate: At this point in time, Einar is a permanent resident aboard the Redbird, an underground train run by a criminal organization as part of a money laundering scheme. “Rent” is cheap, consisting only of boarding fares that are easily gathered in the form of loose change on the floor of the train station, or dodged altogether.
Einar regularly awakens from his drug-induced catatonia to rouse the other denizens of the Redbird in violent resistance against law enforcement, who often raid the train in ill-fated attempts to make the stations it stops at safer. In his drugged dreams, he lives as a successful author who dwells in happiness aboard a houseboat.


Current Status
Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Cork, Ireland
Current Residence
Hip-length, blond, straight but unruly
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light, freckled
Known Languages
English, broken Irish

Cover image: by orphidor