Florian Whiteoak Character in New Terra | World Anvil
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Florian Whiteoak

Character design by Helena_Inclusar (deactivated,) story and personality by orphidor

Florian Whiteoak

Having been compared to his older brother for most of his life, Florian finds solace from his parents' high expectations in his work training supernatural equines like unicorns and pegasi.

Mental characteristics

Personal history


Florian was born to a wealthy mother and father around fifteen years after his older brother. His brother was always the shining star in his parents' eyes. From a young age, Florian can recall being compared to the older boy in every way, being chastised if he didn't measure up academically or in sports. Even when he did well, unfortunately, Florian didn't receive praise and was simply ignored. For many, this would have been the source of resentment. Florian, however, began to bear an intense sadness for his age.  


When he was thirteen, Florian's older brother died unexpectedly. From that point onward, though Florian thought it was counterintuitive, his parents grew even more distant than they were before. Florian sought escape in the company of his Connemara, Sergeant. The pony was extraordinarily stubborn with anyone except Florian, who had a natural way of communicating with him that allowed the two to succeed in the jumping competitions they participated in together. Florian had always loved animals, particularly equines, but this period of his life was when his adoration accelerated and he decided that working with animals was what he wanted to do for the rest of his life.  


Much to his parents' disappointment, Florian didn't chase a bachelor's degree and follow a conventional career path. Instead, as soon as he was old enough, he sought training in horse jumping and dressage while simultaneously learning to handle green horses. He found an even greater level of success in working with unicorns. [to finish]

Gender Identity

He identifies as a man and has not questioned the gender he was assigned at birth.


Florian is attracted to men.


Florian currently trains elite dressage equines. Though he does occasionally work with normal horses, his primary area of expertise is training supernatural creatures.

Intellectual Characteristics

His intelligence types are spacial, kinesthetic, and naturalistic.
Current Status
Date of Birth
June 28th
Gray, piercing
Long, wavy, red-brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Lightly tanned

Cover image: by orphidor
Character Portrait image: by Helena_Inclusar