Koron Ethnicity in New Terra | World Anvil
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Written by orphidor

Seven in every hundred human children have the chance to be born a koron. This rare human variant possesses horns, but little else physically differentiates them from non-variant humans. They do, however, show a particular resistance to radioactivity and cancer.   When variant humans first came into existence, the korons were the first to appear, and thus were met with the full brunt of the stigmatization that followed. non-variant parents were terrified of their koron children, leading many to be abandoned and a few to even be murdered in the belief that the children were cursed or demonic. The derogatory term "roaches" was coined to refer to korons soon after they made their first appearances, partially because they were considered lowly and disgusting, partially due to their ability to withstand greater amounts of radiation.   Once the first korons reached maturity, a movement formed with the goal of changing how society felt about them. With the endorsement of Jon Fortune, the movement was incredibly successful. Korons are now treated with much greater respect and only face being called a "roach" very rarely these days.
Diverged ethnicities
Encompassed species

Articles under Koron

Cover image: by orphidor