Julaine Hall Character in New Terra | World Anvil
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Julaine Hall (jool-AYNE)

Character design by Kariosa-Adopts, story and personality by orphidor

Julaine Hall

Julaine is a mischievous mage with a penchant for animating objects and giving them the semblance of life. Though she's generally good-natured, she does enjoy the thrill of chaos and has a tendency to cause a ruckus at every opportunity.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She isn't the most athletic person, preferring instead to devote herself to intellectual pursuits.

Body Features

Julaine's body is rectangular and not particularly curvy. She's on the thinner side, without much in the way of muscle.

Facial Features

Her face is round and almost innocent, with full cheeks and wide eyes.

Identifying Characteristics

Her fondness for dying her hair in and wearing galaxy-style purples and blues, as well as her iconic wardrobe full of animated accessories, tend to stand out in a crowd. Her quatran heritage (visible in her extra set of arms) is also rather unique.

Physical quirks

Julaine generally holds her body very still and performs gestures in a deliberate manner. Others tend to see this as slightly eerie, but she doesn't care.

Special abilities

Julaine is an accomplished spellcaster. Most of her spells are enchantment and transmutation-based. Her extra pair of arms enables her to cast spells limited only to quatran mages.

Specialized Equipment

She carries a wand with a large resin eyeball at the end. The eye moves at random, appearing to take in its surroundings with surprising intelligence. Her favorite sweater has a pair of wings attached to the back. When activated, the wings defy gravity and lift Julaine into the air, allowing her to fly short distances. When idle, the wings flutter gently to and fro.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

She identifies as a woman and expresses herself in a very feminine manner. Though she has considered her gender in the past as a thought exercise, she has always been comfortable identifying as female.


She identifies as pansexual. She's also demisexual, which means that she only feels attraction after she becomes close with someone. Her sexuality isn't a matter of much consequence in her mind.


Julaine is currently enrolled at California City's Magic Academy. She has already received a degree in applied magical practices with a specialization in transmutation.

Intellectual Characteristics

Her intelligence types are spatial, linguistic, and logical.

Morality & Philosophy

While Julaine is more good-aligned than not, her desire for chaos often ends with her making decisions that aren't the best for herself and others. She usually feels a mix of regret and satisfaction after the consequences of her actions play out.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Loves magic and space. Likes cats and writing. Dislikes anything sour and bright sunlight.


Family Ties

She has a mother, a father, and an older sister (none of whom are quatrans.) Her relationship with her family is good.

Social Aptitude

While Julaine is more than capable of maintaining a conversation, she is an introvert who prefers to keep her thoughts to herself.


She tends to

Hobbies & Pets

Her primary hobby is the maintenance of her magic-related blog. On this blog, she posts simple spells for new casters and publishes advice for those pursuing magical studies.
Current Status
Current Location
Date of Birth
June 3rd
Current Residence
Round, light blue
Cropped at chin-length, naturally blond but usually dyed purple and blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5 feet 11 inches
140 lbs
Known Languages
English (native,) some Spanish and French

Cover image: by orphidor
Character Portrait image: by Kariosa-Adopts