Sigrid Character in New Terra | World Anvil
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Sigrid (SEE-gree)

Character design by DeerStrom, personality and story by orphidor

Sigrid (a.k.a. "The Holly Huntress")

Despite having some of the traits of a deer, Sigrid is not meek or skittish. Within her resides the raw wrath of Mother Nature. She is quiet and reclusive, yet unwavering and unafraid of conflict.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She is extremely fit and nimble. She has no trouble sprinting quickly, running for long distances, and climbing trees with ease.

Body Features

Her body is rectangular in shape with few curves. Though she is strong, her muscles aren't overly-defined.

Facial Features

She has a nose reminiscent of a deer and large, doelike eyes.

Identifying Characteristics

Her gray hair and antlers are extremely identifiable. (Her antlers shed and regrow throughout the seasons.) She also has a glowing rune on her forehead, a protective symbol granted to her by a nature spirit.

Special abilities

Sigrid is extremely gifted with her bow and possesses excellent marksmanship. She's fantastic at tracking both people and animals, and she has the ability to hide in the most remarkable places.

Specialized Equipment

Her bow is sturdily-built and extremely accurate. Though it's difficult to use for those unused to it, Sigrid wields it like it's an extension of her body.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sigrid was born from the mess left behind when an illegal hunter slaughtered a red deer for trophy-hunting reasons. She rose from the bloody snow, wrapped in the deer's pelt, filled with the anger of the hunter's young child upon realizing what their parent had done. She had to learn the ways of the wilderness quickly to avoid freezing to death or starving, but her identity as a nature spirit aided her greatly.  
For a very brief time, Sigrid lived in a small town and attempted to understand the ways of ordinary society, but she quickly decided that that way of life wasn't for her. She hated the mundane routines, the constant socialization, and above all else, the lack of appreciation for the wilderness that had created her. She got her hands on her signature outfit and bow, then fled back to the wilds.

Gender Identity

She identifies as a woman and takes pride in that fact because she believes nature has a feminine energy.


She is a demisexual lesbian. If she were to ever fall in love, she would need to form a deep platonic relationship with the other woman first.


She has an extremely minimal formal education. Most of her knowledge was acquired through her own means.


She despises the idea of being employed by anyone else.

Mental Trauma

Her method of creation was scarring and affects her deeply to this day.

Intellectual Characteristics

Her intelligence types are logical, kinesthetic, and naturalistic.

Morality & Philosophy

Sigrid believes that humans need to leave nature alone and will not hesitate to harm those who encroach on the untouched wilderness. She can be quite ruthless when dealing with those who disrespect nature.


She is frightened of advanced technology and will become visibly enraged when confronted with it.

Personality Characteristics


Her self-appointed role as a guardian of the wilderness is her life's purpose. She exists to protect the untouched wilds of Scandinavia, never hesitating to resort to violence when her beloved forests are threatened.

Vices & Personality flaws

Sigrid tends to become easily enraged when elements of her wilderness home are threatened. In general, she's easily-provoked and feels her emotions very strongly without always knowing how to handle them.


She cleans herself when she gets too dirty, but is not otherwise overly concerned with cleanliness.


Social Aptitude

She spurns human interaction, acting coldly even toward those who approach her in a friendly matter. Only nature spirits have a chance of friendly interaction with her without spending weeks gaining her trust.


She rarely speaks, but when she does, it's in a low and husky voice. She tends to use as few words as possible to get her point across.

Wealth & Financial state

Though she has no money or other assets, she does have everything she needs to live a comfortable life in the wilds.
Current Status
32 years
Date of Birth
November 17
The wilds of Norway
Current Residence
Green, round and deerlike
Long, light gray, usually kept in a single braid
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6 feet 3 inches
160 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"You don't belong here."
Norse Pagan
Known Languages

Cover image: by orphidor
Character Portrait image: by DeerStrom