Nature Spirit Species in New Terra | World Anvil
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Nature Spirit

Written by orphidor

Oreads, dryads, sylphs, and other nature spirits are never born like humans. Instead, they are created when an intense emotional event takes place in a natural setting.

Basic Information


Many are humanoid, but some possess wings, horns, or tails. A few have other distinguishing features that are completely unique to them, like Blythe's strawberry tendrils.

Genetics and Reproduction

Pure nature spirits are never born through conventional methods, but crosses between them and humans and other variants have very rarely been known to exist.

Growth Rate & Stages

They're usually created fully formed, but they're always naive about the workings of the world and need assistance in order to understand how to interact with society (if they choose to join cities or towns rather than staying in the wilderness.)

Ecology and Habitats

Technically, any natural environment (ocean, forest, desert, so on and so forth) where an emotional event takes place can birth a nature spirit.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Some need or choose to eat, but many gain energy from things related to their origin, such as sunlight or contact with running water.

Civilization and Culture


Nature spirits began to appear shortly after the Weirdening, but their presence wasn't widely known until years later.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

They usually get along with humans, especially variants, but the Pure Folk shun their existence and regard them as abominations. Reactions to this stigma vary widely between individuals.
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities

Articles under Nature Spirit

Cover image: by orphidor