The Stone Fists

The Stone Fists are a group of citizen protectors in the Northern Lands. They are organized locally under a universal charter to protect travelers and settlements from marauders and monsters. While not official military, many members are former military or mercenaries. All are highly trained, highly skilled, and dedicated to their charge at all costs.  When the Fists started is lost to history. They've always been around, as far as anyone knows. There are no official leaders on the continental level. Local chapters follow a hierarchy with clear leadership roles for those who wish to seek them, but even the largest groups (25-50 members) rarely have more than a few of these roles. There are Elders known among all Fists who serve as Wisdom Keepers, but they are few and do not act in any official capacity to make decisions. The original Universal Charter is long lost. Copies abound, however, and most people know their oath of protection.
  • Defend those who need defending, and reinforce those who do not. 
  • Eliminate threat from monsters, by whatever means available or necessary.
  • Do not ask for or accept money for helping.
The Fists typically operate in small nomadic guerilla groups, though some chapters will have Keeps and Castles as storehouses, hostels, and way stations. They are not for hire and do not involve themselves in politics or power. They can't be bought off, or bribed, either. They don't socialize, have families, or maintain connections to anyone outside their group, if they have one. While Stone Fists never fight or harm each other, they are also not necessarily friendly with each other, either. The primary goal of every Stone Fist is to defend and protect society from those who would see it destroyed or otherwise attacked.  Most people hold the Stone Fists in high honor as protectors. Some select groups and individuals hate the Fists because they are difficult to evade and seem to come from nowhere. You do not want to get on the wrong side of these fierce warriors.  There's a joke among the people in the North: How do you stop a Stone Fist from attacking? You die.


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Aug 5, 2024 03:26 by Marjorie Ariel

A noble cause, though I imagine being a Stone Fist would get rather lonely.