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II. The Blessed Heart

The Blessed Heart is a colossal structure that harnesses raw energy and condenses it into singular locations. It is a building-sized stone covered with intricate golden filigree that radiates an otherworldly glow. It is several stories high and spans a considerable area, akin to a temple dedicated to the power it contains.   At the core of The Blessed Heart lies a chamber brimming arcane magic which acts as a colossal energy condenser, drawing on ambient energy from the surrounding environment and concentrating it into focal points. To harness the power of The Heart, a strong mental connection must be established by attuning to the Relic's internal frequency. Once connected, the user taps directly into the immense power within.   The Blessed Heart is a wellspring of energy that enables the creation of powerful constructs to aid in whatever task its user desires. By focusing their intention and will, energy can be channeled into creating allied beings. These golems are made of pure energy, shaped and imbued with temporary sentience to carry out specific tasks. The Carnax harnesses the power of The Heart to create these energy golems, bringing The Ruin into existence.