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Luna is Earth's moon, hosting human Colonies overseen by the Sol Council in Bastion. Colonies here are quite advanced as well as particularly rough and tumble, each home to many thousands of residents who operate vital resource extraction, manufacturing facilities, and production hubs. These Colonies are an essential and strategic resource in the ongoing war and must be safeguarded at all costs.  

Endurance Station

Endurance Station is the first Colony established on Luna and serves as the player's home. While primarily inhabited by civilians, AEGIS has also contracted residents to support the war effort through equipment production and repair. It is a hub of activity where the daily lives of the inhabitants intertwine with the ongoing conflict.  

Tranquility Colony

Tranquility Colony is the largest settlement on Luna and has a reputation for its rough and lawless nature. Illicit activities are prevalent and occur in plain sight, providing ample opportunities to engage in various underground dealings. Whether seeking weapons, contraband substances, or other forbidden desires, Tranquility offers a seedy underbelly that caters to those willing to break the rules.  

Tycho Crater Base

Tycho Crater Base serves as the home for AEGIS members who are not stationed aboard Veritas. Nestled within the three-mile-deep Tycho crater, the settlement serves as a training ground for all military personnel. Officers, infantry, and small combat craft undergo rigorous training simulations in this facility, honing their skills for ongoing conflict. It is also home to a large, carefully guarded weapons manufacturing facility.  

Fermi Colony

Located on the dark side of the moon, Fermi Colony was established as a mining outpost specializing in the extraction of extremely valuable resources such as rare metals and Helium-3. These are crucial for various industries, critically including nuclear fuel production.  

Mare Imbrium Refinery

Once extracted from the Fermi Colony, Helium-3 is transported to the Mare Imbrium Refinery. This facility processes the raw materials and converts them into nuclear fuel. The refined and highly unstable fuel is then transported off Luna for utilization in fusion reactors, powering starships, weapons systems, and Guardian Frames.  

Lunar Spaceport

The Lunar Spaceport serves as a transportation and launch hub for all craft operating on Luna. It facilitates the movement of personnel, supplies, and vehicles across the moon and beyond, enabling efficient logistics and supporting various missions.