Overview in NEXUS | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


The Pitch

In the distant future, humanity has transformed.   Risen from the ashes of near extinction, it now spans the reaches of the solar system… yet, our struggle for survival continues.   A convergence of extraterrestrial conquerors, ruthless machines, and even our own kind threatens to annihilate all that remains of a once thriving civilization.   Our last hope lies with pilots of advanced combat suits known as Lightkeepers, and the fate of everything now rests in their hands.   When darkness falls, look for the light.  

Game Overview

NEXUS is an immersive science fiction action game set 1,000 years in the future in a post-apocalyptic yet highly advanced world. At its core, NEXUS is an action oriented multiplayer game. Moreso, it is an amalgamation of various popular genres including elements from looter shooters, extraction, and tactical games with extensive MMORPG design, and an emphasis on intuitive and emergent combat. This combination of proven and ambitious direction results in an exhilarating, action-packed adventure. It is a persistent world which is constantly evolving and where every choice has consequences. Every player will not only have a different experience, but a large amount of agency and personalization. Players will live out an epic power fantasy while overcoming impossible odds to feel like they are truly saving the universe on their own terms.   Taking on the role of a newly recruited super soldier, players will engage in an exciting world with extensive gameplay options. Each player can and/or will:  
  • Enter combat using action-packed mechanics.
  • Level up their character’s attributes and perks.
  • Choose to play campaign missions or take on optional side quests.
  • Engage in high-stakes Activities with complex and unique mechanics such as Raids.
  • Use a variety of advanced technologies and special abilities.
  • Find upgrade components and materials to craft gear.
  • Unlock numerous unique skillsets to suit their playstyle.
  • Explore fascinating environments on Earth and other strange new worlds.
  • Navigate complicated interpersonal relationships with a variety of characters and factions, many of which have vastly different and often opposing motivations.
  • Make difficult ethical decisions affecting numerous aspects of their experience.
  • Work alone or together as a team with friends.
  Each player has the choice over their risks vs. rewards, ample customization and progression options, and the agency to choose the activities that best fits them.   There are extensive challenges that NEXUS poses to its players, giving them considerable reasons to engage and progress. They will protect humanity from numerous enemies that widely vary in different methods and in different settings as well as solving puzzles while uncovering mysteries of the world.  


NEXUS is a love letter to science fiction, fantasy, and action adventure. It is an ambitious and highly innovative game that combines the best elements of action-packed adventures and MMORPGs. It caters to both casual players looking to have some fun with friends as well as highly passionate gamers who want to achieve difficult goals and squeeze everything they can out of their favorite activity.   It is a live service game in a persistent world that has a visionary roadmap for content releases and continued support. Investment into various content that promotes high levels of engagement and positive community sentiment. The ongoing development of the game will lead players to have trust and loyalty in its direction and will become invested in its long term success; truly a symbiotic relationship in only the way a top-tier game could have.   With its deep customization options, engaging storyline, complex systems that give players agency and choice, and extremely innovative and flexible combat, NEXUS has a well-designed Monetization Strategy for a very high likelihood of wide appeal and financial success in the PC and console gaming market.