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Quest giver: Thirteen, Bound to the Chosen   Throughout this questline, players witness Thirteen's transformation from a broken and fragmented being into a formidable ally.  

Step 1: A Broken Echo

Players are introduced to Thirteen, a damaged and fragmented Exoid who has endured torture at the hands of The Carnax. They learn about the missing limbs and components that have been cruelly taken from Thirteen's body. The first step is to find the Echo of Thirteen, a fragment of its original programming that holds memories and clues to the locations of the missing parts.  

Step 2: The Trail Begins

Using the information from the Echo, players embark on a perilous journey to track down the first missing part: Thirteen's left arm. This leads them deep into Carnax strongholds and treacherous territories, battling formidable enemies and solving puzzles to retrieve the stolen limb.  

Step 3: The Heart of Betrayal

With the recovered left arm, players return to Thirteen, attaching the limb and witnessing a spark of restored functionality. Thirteen reveals that the next missing part, its core processor known as the Heartstone, is held by a traitorous Carnax officer who defected from Hestus the Banished's command. The quest takes players to a hidden facility where they must confront the traitor and retrieve the Heartstone.  

Step 4: Shadows of the Past

Upon reclaiming the Heartstone, players return to Thirteen to integrate it into its structure. As Thirteen's processing power increases, it unveils memories and secrets from its past, including the location of its right leg. This leg was taken by a group of rogue mercenaries who prize Carnax trophies. Lightkeepers must infiltrate their ranks, engage in high-stakes battles, and retrieve the stolen limb.  

Step 5: Assembling the Core

Back at Thirteen's side, Lightkeepers attach the recovered right leg, witnessing a significant transformation in Thirteen's mobility. The being reveals that its central power core, known as a Luminary, is in possession of a powerful Carnax general. To retrieve it, players must navigate a heavily fortified Carnax stronghold, overcoming traps, defenses, and elite warriors to claim the Luminary.  

Step 6: The Final Integration

Returning with the Luminary, players help Thirteen integrate it into its body, completing the final step of its restoration. As the power core aligns and resonates with Thirteen's systems, a surge of energy courses through its being, unlocking dormant abilities and augmenting its combat capabilities. Thirteen is reborn, fully restored and empowered, ready to face its enemies with renewed strength and purpose.