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Text Chat

Players can access various Chat channels to communicate with others in real-time. NEXUS determines which channel to place players in automatically based on their current activity and location, any of which can be disabled at will. Players are able to cycle through multiple available channels at any time, however they are only able to view posts to a channel once they have joined the appropriate area or met the channel’s requirements. Each channel will have a designated icon and label when their messages appear in the feed.  

Transmission Center

The Transmission Center can be used to post messages to the player’s Clan or directly to another player who is offline. These messages are available to be checked by their recipients the next time they are online.   Additionally, Clan invitations and responses to Safe Zone Directories are sent to the Transmission Center inbox.  

Local Chat

Local Chat is only available when in Safe Zones. Missions in areas such as Open Sectors do not have access to Local Chat. When in a social area such as a Safe Zone, Local Chat allows players to converse with others in the same general space. Once a player leaves the area, the Local Chat for that area remains viewable but inaccessible to post to.   Local Chat is white.  

Squadron Chat

Squadron Chat communicates directly with each other who are in a team of up to three members. This chat is accessible regardless of each member’s location as long as they remain a part of the Squadron.   Squadron Chat is orange.  

Clan Chat

Clan Chat is a dedicated channel for members of the same Clan to coordinate activities and share information. Messages in the Clan Chat are visible to all active members of the player’s Clan regardless of what activity they are engaged in.   Clan Chat is green.  

Direct Chat

Direct Chat is strictly between two specific players for one-on-one conversations.   Direct Chat is teal.  

System Chat

System Chat cannot be contributed to by players. It is the dedicated channel for all communications from the development team or automated server alerts. System Chat displays to all players and cannot be disabled.   System Chat is bright red.